Chapter 6: Flu Season. ❄️

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Warnings(s): Mentions of vomiting


Pure Vanilla stumbled around, trying to find his way. He was exhausted, and it showed. Night patrol made his bones and head ache and pound like a jackhammer to concrete. His vision became whirly and distorted as he continued to stumble. If he had to be honest, he had no idea where he was going. He felt hands grapple onto his arms and stand him up straight. He saw the blurry outline of who he thought was Tatiana.

'Hey. Are you in your right mind?'

"...Huh..? Wh.."

'...You look..out of it. Is something wrong?'

"...I'm just..really tired is all, nothing to bad. And there's just been a lot on my mind lately."

'Ah, I see. Night patrol was brutal as always, wasn't it?'


'...Oh dear. Which commander were you assigned to?'

"...I don't remember, and I wish I did. All I remember is that the dude was an absolute dick."

'...It's sad that I know exactly who you're talking about.'

'Also, would you like me to call the armorsmith? Your armor looks beaten.'

"..If you don't mind, could you?"

'Of course. But will you be okay? I'm not sure if you'll survive the walk back to your room.'

"Me neither." He scoffed sarcastically.

'Can you stay here? I'll try to get someone else to walk you.'


Tatiana hurried away to get a hold of someone to escort him, leaving him to his own devices. He sat in a ball against some random wall, resting his head against his knees. The light was bothering him, and he hated how much it got to him. He felt sick, saying he was deathly sick would be an exaggeration. Of course that's what he felt like, but it probably wasn't entirely true. After a few minutes of painful mental whirling, he heard hurried footsteps approaching, looking up to see who Tatiana brought. Every movement he mustered felt like he'd been shot with burning hot bullets. His vision was even blurrier than before, but he could still see outlines of the objects and people around him. He heard Tatiana saying something to the person who she brought, but he couldn't hear what. He tried to study the outline of the other person.

[Bulky body shape..]

[Tall...Giant like...]

[Lots, and lots of purple and black.]

[...A crown? that's Cacao, isn't it?]

"How long has he been like this?"

'...No idea. I found him walking down the hallway like how he is now.'

"...Did he say how he got in this state?"

'...He said it was brutal night patrol from the night before.'


"...Hm. Who put him on that patrol despite me saying that he was not the one to put for that night?"

'Caramel Drip. He's one of the lead commanders.'

"...I'll see to it that he gets spoken to about this. I'll take him back to his room now. You're free to go."

'..I'll be back to check on him soon.'

She hurried away and back to her duties, as Cacao scooted closer to Vanilla, tucking his knees in.

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