Chapter 9: Dating the Polar Opposite of Yourself. 💘

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Warning(s): ???


Cacao sighed. He tapped his pen aimlessly against his oak desk, grumbling. He swore he's been sitting at this desk doing paperwork for every day for centuries. Sometimes the cycle of endless work is broken by Vanilla peeking in to check on him here and there. He dreaded even sitting there, but it's not like he had a choice in the matter, the man is a king after all. It's apart of the job, so he can't complain. His train of thought was interrupted by two knocks and three taps.

"Come in."

An energetic and ecstatic voice echoed in the room.

"Hi my love! How are you? Are you taking care of yourself okay?"

Cacao chuckled, slightly leaning back because of how much Vanilla was hugging him.

"Hello my dear. I'm doing fine, and yes, I'm taking care of myself."

"Good! I worry about your health especially when you're constantly bent over this desk doing the same thing over and over every day without a break in the cycle."

"...That's just how it is. I wish I could do something about it."

"Y' could always take walks periodically, draw, paint, do crossword puzzles, or anything else you enjoy to get a break or have something different to do!"

"...I suppose that's true."

"...Do you wanna do something? I'm free for the next 2 or so hours-"

"...I'll see how many papers I have left."

"Yay!" He jumped and squealed with excitement as he ran in small circles as Cacao checked the stack of unfinished papers.





...and five.

Five more papers.

"Five more papers."

"Just five?"

"Just five. It'll at least take me 30 minutes if I don't rush."

"Should I just wait in the bedroom then? I'm gonna go get changed first so I'm comfortable."

"I suppose so."

Vanilla left, giving Cacao one last hug and kiss, leaving and shutting the door.

Cacao's office was quiet again. The looping cycle would start again for the 30 minutes he was there. He grunted as he sat back down, grabbing his pen and scribbling the same responses to the same complaints over and over again.


He leaned back in his chair, cracking his back and fingers. The last letter was finally with the other stack of envelopes he made. Now all he had to do was find the mail courier and give the poor boy all of these letters. He felt terrible. He probably worked the boy to death, and yet he was still so, so nice.

"...I'll find him later. Vanilla is waiting for me."

He got up, switching off his office lights and left. He waved and greeted house staff and maids as they passed, humming under his breath until he reached the chambers he slept in. He opened the door, stepping in. He didn't realize it, but it was now raining. Vanilla was a little ball of energy, like a child who got hyper from eating too much sugar one might say. But like the sunny and warm weather that's bright, colorful, and golden, he becomes gloomy whenever lighting, thunderstorms, or rain rolls in. As soon as that happens, he becomes gloomy, tired, and dreary. Sometimes he stares, stares, and stares at the outside and you have a harder time getting his attention.

Cacao knocked on the wooden doorframe.


Pv clutched the blanket he had around himself tighter, continuing to stare out of the stained-glass balcony doors. The rain pattered and tapped against the walls and windows as Cacao approached the bed, removing his crown and kicking off his boots.


"Rain has you feeling blue, huh?"


Cacao soon removed his gloves, putting his hair up into a bun with a hair tie and letting a few strands hang loose. He gently clasped his arms around the other, holding him close.


"I'm always here if you want to talk."

"..I know."



More pattering rain.

Cacao adjusted his grip. He pulled Vanilla into his lap, cradling him like a newborn. This caused Vanilla to break the staring contest he had with the doors, forcing him to stop his staring.


Vanilla weakly nodded.

"I figured."


Cacao ran his fingers through the blonde's soft, golden, and silky hair, scratching the back of his head and behind his ears.

"...Why is the rain so calming...?"

"...Im not sure. Maybe it's the pattering, or maybe it's the atmosphere it creates."

"....I'm tired."

"I'm sure you are."

"Can we sleep together? Please?"

"Of course we can." He chuckled, adjusting the blanket Vanilla used to turn himself into a burrito to make it looser.


Vanilla clung onto him, yawning and tiredly rubbing his eyes.

"Good night sweetpea."

"Good nighttt..."

Cacao smiled, tucking him into bed and staring outside.

[....Oh Dark Choco, when can I make it up to your for what I've done?]

Author: Frankie B. ☕️📚

# of words: 820

Date: 4/27/23

Finished at: 9:22 am

[A/N: Idk]

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