Chapter 5: Wait, What? 💜

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Mild swearing I guess??

Gay/jjj please don't attack me 


Pv winced. He grabbed around tiredly. Cacao wasn't there anymore. He sighed, adjusting himself so he was comfortable. The king must have left to do something else or perhaps change or make himself lunch, he thought. The blankets and pillows were still slightly warm and indented from Cacao's presence, so he must have left the room pretty recently. He still felt numb and sore as if the wounds he had were scored only a few minutes ago.


He yelled. He moved the wrong way, and felt something in his side pop and open up. Almost on cue, a housekeeper entered to ask if everything was okay.

{Are you alright sir?}

"...Grrhh...Damn it..Yes I'm..fine."

{Are you sure? I heard you yell a curse.-}

"...I think something came out of my right side that was holding my wounds together."

{Ah, I see.. Would you wish for me to grab the medic?}


{Very well, I'll be back with her as soon as I can.}

"...T..thank you..-"

Vanilla struggled to talk. Every ounce of air he took in to speak, it felt like he was breathing in an burning hot inferno. It hurt. Terribly.

{One more thing, sir. I would suggest laying down straight as a ruler on your back and stay like that until I retrieve the medic.-}


Vanilla didn't want to sound angry, he was just very pained.

The housekeeper left, leaving Vanilla to his own devices. The housekeeper returned with the medic after a few minutes, leaving Vanilla alone with her.


[Sorry for taking so long, the housekeeper was held back by the king.]


[He simply heard your pained yell and got concerned, that's all.]

"....Wait, What..?"

He remembered when the king was there only moments before.

[Is something wrong?]

Vanilla snapped out of his trance.

"Y-yeah..- Just...remembering something.-"

[If you say so.-]

The medic got to work, stitching the wound back up with great difficulty while rewrapping the bandages after removing the rusty, cold, and bloody ones. Vanilla whined and winced during the entire process. He felt time slow down as it happened. After 10 or so minutes, it was finally over.

[...Good as new! You should be fine now, just be very, very careful.]

"I know, I know."

[I know you know, but I have to tell you regardless.]

Vanilla groaned. He got back to how he was, staring blankly at the ceiling. His thoughts wandered towards his possible love for the king. His face flushed a cherry red.

"I can't be thinking like that..-"

He paused.

"...Couldn't I get fucking killed for that shit..?"

A Battle Inside Two Hearts. {king x male knight}Where stories live. Discover now