Chapter 7: Rainstorm. ☔️

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Warning(s): I dunno. Slight Arguing I guess?


Rain poured and poured down, pattering against the window in Cacao's bedroom. He sighed, setting his book down and adjusting his glasses. He cradled Vanilla in his arms, gently patting his back. Rainstorms always made the both of them tired and relaxed, but not all of the time. When it was thundering AND raining, Vanilla would cry like a baby and clung to him like one. As a warrior though, he never told anybody. He would simply just suffer alone whenever storm clouds would roll onto the horizon. Thunderstorms weren't common in the snowy fortress, but were usually harsh whenever they rolled in. He glanced down at his sleeping dear, smiling. He felt tired, but something kept him up. He always thought back to the time where as a child he had sleeping problems.

[Entering Memory...]

"Mama?" I'd call while pulling on the sleeve my mother's sleepwear. She woke up, staring back at me with weary eyes.

'Yes dear?'

"I can't sleeeppp.."

'Go back to bed. Mama will be there in a minute.'

I'd wander back to bed in the dimly lit castle halls, passing by a few guards here and there. I entered my room, climbing back into bed. The door opened again after a few minutes, my mother's iconic, slim, and tall figure shadowing the doorway.

'I'm here, my little warrior.'

"Hi mama!"

'Sh, sh. Keep your voice down. Can't have you waking up mom, now can ya?'

"No mama."

White Cocoa sat down on the bed's edge, holding a white noise machine she got for Cacao some time ago.

'I'm too tired to sing you lullabies tonight, love."

"It's okay mama!" I'd whisper. "Besides, I love the rain sounds."

White Cocoa chuckled.

'I know you do. Are you comfortable?'

"Mhm!" I yawned, tiredly blinking and rubbing my eyes.

White Cocoa placed the machine down on the nightstand after plugging it in, choosing the "Pattering Rain" setting. She got up, stretching and cracking her neck and fingers, soon patting Cacao's head with care.

'Good night, my little warrior.'

"Good night mama."

[Exiting memory...]


Cacao snapped back to reality rather early, being pulled out of his dreamworld by a tug on his sweater.

"Are you alright love?"


Cacao moved his free hand to the back of Vanilla's head, pressing it against his chest. He felt tears soak his t-shirt, beginning to hush, coo, and compliment him.

"Hey, hey. Relax my dear. The thunder isn't going to hurt you."


"Shhhh. I know you're scared, but you have no reason to worry, my love."

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