Chapter 4: Feel Better Yet? 🌡️

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Warning(s): I rlly don't know.


Vanilla whined, gently squirming in Cacao's arms. He tiredly squinted, slightly jolting in shock from the realization of being in his arms. He stopped moving after seeing that the king was asleep. He adjusted, getting comfortable again. He stayed quiet, unsure of what to do. He rested his head back into the inside of Cacao's shoulder, listening to his gentle but thundering and loud heartbeat. He let a smile slowly creep onto his face, gently nuzzling into his chest. Cacao was still sleeping away, as if he was resting on bunches of soft cotton ball like clouds. He soon ended up falling back asleep, dreaming away.


Cacao woke up, stretching a little, wary of the sleeping cookie cradled in his arms. He looked down, adjusting his arms so he could have a better look at Vanilla's face. In his eyes, Vanilla looked just like Sleeping Beauty. So very gorgeous and peaceful. Vanilla gently grabbed on the fabric of his turtleneck, trying to get closer. He noticed Vanilla beginning to squint his eyes as he soon stretched, waking up fully.

Cacao chuckled.

"Look who's finally up. ^^"

It took Vanilla a second to realize where he was again, and why he could hear Cacao's voice. He jolted back, settling back into position after a second or two.

"Oh goodness- I am so sorry—"

"Don't worry. I don't mind."


"What reason do I have to be upset about this?"

"Isn't this against the rules or something..?"

"Says who?"

"I thought I heard about it from somewhere.-"

"Again, says who? Rules are only made on my authority, and I don't ever remember making such rule about sexual relationships between colleagues. And besides, I have a law similar, but only applies to a scenario like that with different context."


Cacao gently tapped the tip of his finger against Vanilla's nose, smiling.

"Don't you worry about a thing, 'Kay?"

Cacao smiled again, continuing to cradle the knight.


"Looks like somebody's had a rough and long day, hmmm?"


Vanilla sleepily whined, continuing to cling.

"Somebody's crankyyyy.."




"You don't have to get up just yet, though you still have to eat something."


"You can sleep for a little longer, but just know you'll have to get up at some point to eat."

" ittt...."

"Now you can go back to sleep, dear prince."


Cacao sighed, getting off the bed and setting Vanilla down. He tucked him in, fluffing up the pillow behind his head. He cracked his fingers, soon turning of the light switch.


Author: Frankie B. ☕️📚

# of words: 434

Finished at: 10:55 am

Date: 3/30/23

[A/N: I know this chapter is really short, but my motivation was low and my brain couldn't brainstorm anything soooo....yeah. Hope you still enjoyed this though. :')]

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