Chapter 2: Royal Endeavors. 🗡️👑

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Warning(s): Angst and Gore warning I guess?

[Note: I'm now doing memory entrances and exits, and I've now made Pure Vanilla's dialogue bold just so it's easier to see and it doesn't confuse anybody. :) ]


Pure Vanilla has been at the Citadel for almost a year now. He sighed. He would rise and get out of bed at 5:30 am, get cleaned up, and his hair brushed. He would then get his armor on and clean his weaponry. 

Usually by the time he was done, he would be out of the room by 6:00-6:10. His patrol would start with checking in with Tatiana or Caramel Arrow and then being assigned a part of the Citadel. Today he was assigned the Main Court and the Main Hall. The Main Hall consisted of the king's office, his chambers, and some quarters for the housekeeping staff. He would watch these parts of the fortress until 9, and then switch to do the outside and the Great Chocolate Wall. He yawned, wandering the many twisting hallways with other guards who passed by him as he went. He tiredly rubbed his eyes, lifting up his wrist to glance at his watch. 6:21. He silently groaned. Patrolling the wall and the woods was going to be much worse. 

As he continued his walk, he began to daydream. Thoughts about the king started to trail and invade his mind. He didn't mind that though until he shook his head to try and get rid of it. He sadly sighed. I mean, he's a king after all. He has every village girls heart, and probably his own too. He probably has somebody already and just keeps them a secret. He has no idea. He reminded himself of something. Tatiana told him something about the king while they were in HollyBerry kingdom once to accompany the king to a meeting for safety reasons. The two were sitting at a table in a small little diner.

[Entering memory...]

He shook his head, realizing he was slouching in the cushioned booth he shared with Tatiana.

"You alright kid? You zoned out for a few minutes."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just... thinking about something is all."

"Righttt...anyway, I figured that I should tell you some little tads about the king. Y'know, like fun facts he probably won't tell you?"

"Is he- even okay with that?"

Tatiana chuckled while holding her wine glass.

"Pfftt, heavens no. He doesn't give a shit about it."


"So, here are just some things about the king you'll probably need to know."

"First, he doesn't have a girlfriend of boyfriend oddly enough. That simply because he didn't feel the need, and it was easier for him to not have somebody wooed during his ruling."

"Second, he's kinda been giving hints to us and the staff that a he's partially closeted gay."


"Y'know, hiding what preference you have for dating."


"I'd tell you more but the waiter is on the way."

"..I think I've heard enough as it is."

Tatiana laughed again.

"I'm sure you have, it's a lot to process, I know."

Vanilla sighed, resting his chin in his hand as he looked out the window and at the passing citizens, markets, and carriages.

[Exiting Memory...]


Caramel waved her hand and snapped her fingers in Vanilla's face, trying to get him out of the trance he was in.

"You could have had hell to pay if you kept standing there staring at the wall."

"Sorry I...zoned out."

"It happens to all of us. Don't worry about it."

"I feel even more exhausted now that I zoned out.-"

"That's...not very good."

"Wait- aren't you supposed to be patrolling the wall? Why are you in the Main Hall?"

"That's what I came here for. I know you're supposed to be patrolling the Hall and the Main Court, but my patrol buddy left for a mission in the mountains."

" you want me to walk with you?"

"If you don't mind it. I told Tatiana and she doesn't care. You just have to walk the woods and what not while I walk along the top of the actual wall."

"That shouldn't be too bad.-"

"It isn't once you get used to it."

"I suppose we should go before you're assumed to be off duty."

"I suppose we should."

The two left for the wall as they separated to go down and up the two staircases that led to the actual ground below the wall and the upper walkway on the wall.

The breeze wasn't as harsh as other days, but it was still pretty strong. Vanilla blew his hair out of his face and began to walk out towards the woods and away from the wall.

Pure Vanilla walked for a while, soon losing track of where he was. Fuck. That's not good. The wind started slow to a stop and he only heard the gentle whistling of tree branches and birds. He heard loud crunching of snow all around as he wielded his sword to fight whatever was making the noise. It got so loud he swore he was going crazy. Soon soldiers of unknown origins emerged from the brush, and jumped him. Every time he took down one or two, two or three emerged from the sidelines. He began to feel weak from the cold blood that basically covered him almost head to toe. He heard the metal scratching of a sword as he whipped around one second too late. The soldier's sword piercing his abdomen through his armor with ease. He fell limp to the ground as blurry outlines of shadowy figures blocked his eyes from seeing the sky. The soldiers soon left, seeing their mission was finished. Vanilla laid there, unable to get up or move in any way for that matter. Tears started to spill from his eyes. He reviewed what to do oh so many times, but he couldn't do those things. He flopped an arm weakly over his abdomen. His vision blurred as he went out cold. He has no idea what might happen to him.

Will he live or not?

Author: Frankie B.

# of words: 992

Finished at: 11:23 pm

Date: 3/28/23

[A/N: I'm gonna start trying to get chapters out every day or every other day. I usually type these during school whenever I finish work early, so they might be late sometimes. Thanks for reading!!]

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