Chapter 1: Getting Comfortable 🛏️.

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Pure Vanilla jolted, shaking his head. He was in a trance daydreaming about stupid things. How long has it been? He glanced at the large Roman numeral clock on one of the walls. It was 3:30.


"Wait.. don't I have introduction training at 3:50? Shoot. I have to clean up and find my gloves and training uniforms. I hope I have them here and not in the trunks that are going to be here tomorrow." 

He sighed, opening up the single chest at the end of his bed. There they were. He brushed his hand across his forehead as a sign of relief. He gently grabbed then along with the gloves, walking over to the master bathroom. He let his eyes wander. The place was oddly very big for a very small room. It didn't bother him though, and he set his stuff down on the sink's counter. He went back out, shedding off his armor and placing it into the chest. He felt less sweaty now and he could breathe better. He grabbed a towel out of a small cupboard after going back to the bathroom, shutting the door and twisting the double bolted lock shut as he began his shower and started to wash up.


He got back some time later. It was now 3:41. He still had some time to change and brush his hair, but not very much. He changed into his armor's underclothes, soon brushing his hair out as he cursed under his breath. He finished, putting his hair up in a small bun as he put a bandana around his forehead. He then put his gloves, a chocolate brown sleeveless turtleneck one piece, and some Vanillian themed pants with waffle cone lining at the waist line and cuffs on the pant legs. He knelt down on one knee, tying the laces of his training shoes. He looked at them for a moment, sighing. "I have to get new ones soon that are meant for winter weather. These tropical ones wouldn't survive. It'll just have to last until I can get a new pair." He got up, brushing himself off as he grabbed his keys and left his room. He jogged around, finally finding the training room. He glanced at another clock. 3:51. That's not good. He opened the door, and there Cacao was, wearing similar attire, except his hair was in a large bun and his outfit was different hues of purple. Pure Vanilla stared for a bit, soon shaking his head and shutting the door.

"Ah. You're here."

"Indeed I am."

"I never thought that training would take place the day after I arrive."

"Once you step foot onto Citadel soil as a newcomer, you must be trained to be able to endure the harsh weather and battles we have here."

"Oh. That..makes a lot of sense."

"We need transfers to get used to our environment as quickly as possible."

"Oh. That...makes a lot of sense." (Again)

"As it should."

"So uh..what are we doing?"

"Just some simple review of what you were taught with a mix of what we learn here in the Citadel."


"Come with me."

"I thought- we were training in here.—"

"We are not. We are going outside to a sectioned off part of the Citadel."

"Outside? How come?"

"I need to introduce you into our environment more then just the carriage ride you took here."

"In short sleeves...?"

"Mhm. Normally I can stand in a blowing blizzard in just shorts."

"That's quite the tolerance you have."

"I suppose we should start then."

"I...suppose we should."


The two men began to walk as Vanilla turned his head to look at Cacao, slowly letting his eyes trail up and down the other man's body. He stopped just before Cacao cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Sorry I didn't-"

"It's fine. I get the same stare from some of the village women around here."


"I've grown to get used to it. No worries."

"Have you ever gotten the same stare from men?"

"Now I have."

Cacao chuckled.


They arrived, entering the area. Vanilla was around shivering and he just stepped out there. Cacao soon got the man back to his senses and taught him the basics along with combat reviewing. By the time they were done, Pure Vanilla was slightly beginning to turn blue, as he hugged his hands onto his arms. He was a cold mess. He sighed, watching the cold air exit into the atmosphere. He was going to somehow have to get used to this. Cacao sighed , crossing his arms as he looked at the transfer. He soon ushered him back in, getting him so fresh and warm blankets.

"Here. You'll probably want these to help warm yourself up."

"T-Thank y-ou..-"

"You're welcome."

Cacao looked at the clock.

"It's 5:30. I recommend you have a hot shower and get into something warm. I had a maid bring some kimonos and winter fit clothes in for you."


Vanilla hobbled back to his room, curling up in the blankets he was given.

"These are actually really warm..- and they kind of have a lavender like smell..- almost like some kind of cologne. I think it's the one that the king uses..-"

He stopped and shook his head after the thought.

{Don't think like that..- that's weird of you Vanilla..}

He sighed again, curling up in bed. He was in his sweaty training clothes, but he was too cold and weak to change. He soon fell asleep curled up in a ball of blankets.

Author: Frankie B. ☕️📚

# of words: 934

Date: 3/27/23

Finished at: 3:39 pm

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