Blitzo X Stolas X Reader (poly) (non binary)

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       [A tiny bit of Spice will be involved in this chapter, you've been warned 👀]

I lifted the drink to my lips. Music vibrated through my body, strobe lights flashed all around me. It was a Friday night and my boyfriends promised to take me out clubbing tonight. Sure enough, they did not disappoint. Blitzo picked the club and Stolas got me the best outfit. The bar tender slipped me the other two drinks I requested and I yelled a thank you at him over the music as I carefully grabbed all three drinks and turned around, walking back to the table. I navigated my way through the crowd. Finally I saw my two loves. I smiled as I held the drinks up and walked forward. I set the drinks down on the table in front of them, keeping mine for myself.

"Ah thank you (Y/N)!" Stolas thanked me.

"Of course. It's the least I could do, I mean you guys brought me here." I said, gesturing to the club around us. Blitzo sipped his drink, and nearly choked as a new song played over the sound system.

"Oh fuck yes!!! This is my jam!" He shouted. I laughed.

"I take it that means you wanna dance then?" I asked him. Blitzo turned to me with a flirty grin.

"You bet your fine ass! Now lemme see ya shake it on the floor, let's go!" I looked at Stolas who gave a nod.

"I'll join you two in a minute, I believe I need to drink a bit more before I shake anything." He said.

"Ok." I said. Me and Blitzo took to the dance floor. As we danced, he was scream singing the lyrics off key. I laughed to myself as he did. It was so cute. He started twerking which had me laughing as well.

"C'mon, try it!!" He shouted. I chuckled shaking my head.

"I don't think I even can." I yelled back. I gave it a try. I put my hands on my knees and shook my ass. Blitz laughed.

"YEAH THATS IT!" He shouted proudly. I blushed, standing back up going back to normal dancing. He did the grind dance with me for a chunk of the song. It was fun just letting loose like this. Blitz pulled me in, planting a big kiss straight onto my lips. I kissed back, when he used his tongue, I nipped it. He smacked my ass.

"Ay, what did I say about biting?" He asked. I smirked.

"That if I'm gonna do it I need to do it with confidence." I replied. Blitz smiled.

"Very good." He said with a smile of approval. I smiled back proudly.

"Thanks." I kissed him on the cheek. Suddenly I got pulled out of Blitzo's arms and spun around, till I hit a feathery chest. I looked up and I was pressed against Stolas he lifted my chin with his finger and leaned down.

"My my, I didn't miss out on all the fun did I?" He asked, eyeing Blitzo. Blitzo chuckled.

"Nope, party's just getting started." He said. I nodded in agreement. Stolas smiled.

"Perfect." He picked me up and spun me around. I giggled with delight, wrapping my arms around the back of his neck. He swung me back to the ground and made me spin with his finger. I stumbled dizzily for a second. I was suddenly pulled off my feet again, but backwards. I was met with Stolas's red luminous eyes, as he dipped me and stole a long kiss. I kissed back softly, matching his gentle passion. Soon he pulled me back up.

"Wow." I said. Blitzo and Stolas laughed as they both pulled me in kissing either cheek. I giggled.

"You guys stop haha! That tickles!" I squealed.
The two of them took my hands and danced with me for what felt like ages. I wished the night would never end. It was just what I needed after such a long week. Eventually I felt winded and in need of fluids.

"I'm gonna go drink a bit more, I'll be back!" I said. They both gave a nod of understanding.

"Ok! We'll be here when you come back!" Stolas shouted. I nodded and turned back towards our table. Once I worked through the people on the floor, I made it. I grabbed my drink, sipping on it as I sat back down. I sighed in relaxation as I took a breather, watching Stolas and Blitzo dancing together. I loved them so much.

"Hey there cutie." I heard. I twisted my neck to see some asshole leaning over the table, leering at me. I leaned away from him, my brow furrowed in disgust.

"What do you want, creep?" I ask. He snickers.

"A piece of that fine ass would be nice." He stated. I gagged.

"Ew, no...." I said, sipping my drink. He reached forward and slid his greasy hand on my arm.

"C'mon baby, it'll be fun." He said. I smacked his hand away.

"Hands off, bitch!" I hissed. He chuckled drunkly.

"Hehe, damn, feisty too." He stated. He reached out to touch me again but this time, was stopped by a click sound.

*click click*

I smirked at the creep as Blitzo cocked and held the loaded gun against the back of the creeps head. The creep froze in place, his eyes went wide. He stared in fear behind me. Stolas slipped his hands on my shoulders as he towered over me from behind, glaring down at the demon creep frozen from fright in front of me.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" Stolas asked. I cleared my throat after finishing the sip I took from my drink.

"Yep. I'm great." I confirmed. Blitzo sneered from behind the dude. They definitely saw everything.

"Yeah! We're good, we're all cool!" The creep said nervously. Blitzo pushed the gun forward, tapping him a bit with the gun.

"I don't think so fucker. They just told you to beat it, and instead you chose to rub your grimey mits on them." Blitzo growled. The creep laughed nervously.

"Oh, bad! I um I'll just go.." he said starting to step away. Before he could though, Blitzo swiftly clubbed him on the back of the head with his gun. That single blow knocked the creep out cold. I smirked as he fell to the ground.

"Thank you both for the help." I smiled, hugging Stolas, kissing him on the cheek. I got up and turned to Blitzo doing the same thing. They both grinned.

"Any time cutie"

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