Eddie Munson X Fem Reader

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"Would ya sit still ya dumbass?" I groaned exasperatedly. My brother asked me to do his makeup like Alice Cooper's for his band gig tonight. He and his friends In Corroded Coffin got a slot at a local pub. I wanted to support him, anyway. Which is why I was backstage with my makeup bag, trying to keep him from squirming around.

     "Sorry, I keep thinking you're gonna gouge my eye out with that thing!" He whined. I rolled my eyes, holding my eyeliner pencil up.

    "I'm not gonna stick this in your eye you doofus. If I wanted to, I would've already." I said. I carefully went in on his waterline, filling it in. I bit on my lip as I focused, filling in the triangles of liner on his face to look like Alice Coopers.

    "Hey Eddie!" My brother said to someone behind me. I didn't really pay much attention though, I was too focused on finishing his makeup. I applied a tiny bit of powder to them to keep the liner from melting off his face as easily. Me being a klutz though, I dropped my compact. Before I could rush to catch it though, someone else did.  I glanced up and there stood a guy, about my age, with loose permed hair, a leather jacket, a Jean vest with rock band patches on it, a belt/wallet chain and black jeans. He smiled at me, holding up my compact.

    "You um..you dropped this." He said, holding it out to me. I felt myself blush a bit from a combination of embarrassment and attraction. I smiled politely and took it back from him.

   "Thanks." I said. I turned and I finished powdering my brothers face.

    "That looks really good." The guy said. I blushed a bit again.

    "Thanks, but it's not much..it's just a bit of eyeliner and powder." I said. My brother looked in my compact mirror as I handed it to him.

    "Sick! Eddie, you should have my sister do your makeup too!" My brother exclaimed excitedly. I froze.

    "Totally...I mean, if your sis is up to it?" Eddie said glancing over at me. I gave a nod.

    "Of course! I'd love to." I said. My brother jumped off the amp box and patted it, gesturing for Eddie to sit down. Edit slid himself onto the box. I pulled out my black eyeshadow, eyeliner pencil and powder.

    "Ok, what style do you want? I can do a basic outline like Freddie Mercury, I can do Alice Cooper's eyeliner style, I can do a goth version of David Bowie, I could do something like StarChild from KISS...." I listed. Eddie thought about it for a second.

   "Hmm...what do you think would look best?" He asked. I shrugged.

   "I'd say start small and see from there." I advised. Eddie nodded.

    "Let's go basic then, and see how it goes." He said with a smile. I smiled back.

    "Sounds good." I said, I grabbed the eyeliner pencil and stood on my knees. "Ok, close your eyes for me Eddie." I said.

     "Yes ma'am." He said. I rolled my eyes laughing.

    "Don't call me ma'am, I'm not an old lady." I said. Eddie smirked as I started drawing on top of his upper lash line.

    "So then what should I call you?" He asked. I focused in on the last bits of his upper lash line.

    "(Y/N)" I told him. I finished the top of his first eye, and he opened them, staring down at me.

    "Ooooh, that's a sweet name." He said. I smiled, having him close his eyes again.

    "Thanks Eddie." I said. I drew on his other top lash line and then started working on the lower lash lines. My brother gawked as Eddie let me draw onto his waterline without twitching, flinching or squirming.

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