Benedict Bridgerton X Fem Reader

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       I took a deep breath as I waited outside the room. I had to keep my composure. This was my first time modeling for a life drawing class and I couldn't afford to mess it up. I always felt self conscious about my body and I hated the idea of exposing myself, but it was either this, or work in the marketplace selling fertilizer. I shuddered at the memory of the horse manure smell. Before I could shake it from my mind, I was snapped back to reality as the professor opened the door and stepped out.

     "(Y/N), the class is ready for you now." He said. I took one last deep breath. This was it. I exhaled and walked into the room. The students all got out their fresh papers and charcoals as I strode up to the platform. As I stepped up I tugged off my robes and set them off to the side. I sat myself on the stool in the center and posed leaning back, with my head tilted. My eyes scanned the room as I held the pose. Suddenly my eyes met another pair, they were staring straight at me. It was a dark haired fellow with sideburns, deep blue eyes, and clean cut clothing. His sleeves, rolled up about midway, showing off his forearm muscles. A small smile tugged at his lips as he stared. He was quite handsome indeed. The professor walked behind him, observing. When he saw the man zoned out, the professor took a roll of papers from his pocket and whacked him on the shoulder with it, startling him out of his daze. I resisted my urge to laugh as I held the pose.

I held my gaze on him as I posed. He observed me with curious, focused eyes. He bit his lip when he was super focused, it was honestly rather cute. I posed for hours and hours. I didn't look away from him once.

"Alright. Charcoal and pencils down. Everyone take a break. Meet back here at a quarter till." The professor announced. Everyone put their utensils down and started getting up. The man I stared at stood up, wiping his hands with a cloth. He stared at me the whole time. He smiled slightly at me as he did. I smiled back as I stood and put my robes back on. I walked over to the back of the room where there was a pitcher of water and a few cups. I poured myself a cup of water.

"Hello." I heard from behind me. I turned, and there stood the art student I had stared at, smiling a friendly smile at me.

"Hello there." I greeted back. "Might I ask what your name is sir?" I asked.

"Oh! My apologies. My name is Benedict. Benedict Bridgerton." He told me. I lifted my eyebrows in surprise. I recognized that family name.

"Bridgerton? Are you related to Duchess Daphne and Viscount Anthony by chance?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Why yes, I am. They're my siblings." He said. I nodded in understanding.

"I see. This is a small world. Never thought I'd ever talk one on one with a Bridgerton." I thought aloud. Benedict cocked his head at me intrigued.

"And what, might I ask, is your name madam?" He questioned. I gasped as I realized I had forgotten to introduce myself.

"So sorry. I seem to have forgotten my social etiquette..I'm (Y/N)." I introduced myself nervously. Benedict's friendly smile grew into a charming and slightly amused smile.

"Pleasure to meet you Lady (Y/N). I must say, your modeling work today has been lovely." He complimented. I felt myself blush.

"Oh! Heh..thank you my lord." I said, hiding my fidgeting hands behind my back.

"How long have you been modeling?" Benedict asked. I bit my lip slightly before I answered.

"As a matter of is my first day." I admitted. Benedict's eyes widened and his eyebrows raised in shock.

"Is that so?" He asked with a surprised tone of voice. I nodded.

"Yes, I'm afraid so." I confirmed. Benedict poured himself some water as well.

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