Loki Laufeyson X Fem Reader (Spicy) (Enemies to Lovers)

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I walked into the common area of the Avengers building. My face was covered in a series of minor scrapes and cuts along with a bunch of dirt and ash. My body was also covered in dirt and sweat, as well as cuts, scrapes and bruises. I threw myself down on the couch and winced the second my body hit the cushions. There was a good possibility I had dislocated my shoulder a bit. I let out an exhausted groan as did the others who trailed in behind me a couple minutes later.

      The mission was successful but we were all in need of some rest. I laid there, limp, staring up at the ceiling just breathing. I put my good arm up and rested it over my eyes to block out the sunlight. I breathed in deeply....well...deeply as possible without feeling the full fury of the bruises on my rib age. I shut my eyes and just relaxed, not thinking, speaking, or anything of the sort. Just resting. It was a beautiful moment of peace for me, and a rare one at that. But...just as I was feeling content for once....

"Ahem..." I heard. I heaved a sigh, not lifting my arm. I knew who it was already.

"Must you disturb me right now?" I asked.

"I don't have to...but I absolutely want to. So, in short terms...yes, yes I must." Loki said. I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"What do you want, Loki?" I grumbled. I heard him walking over to the side of the couch, right next to me. His shadow casted over me, I could tell because I couldn't feel the suns heat on my forearm anymore, and I heard his clothes shifting as he leaned in.

"I want my daggers back, mortal." He stated. I scoffed. I borrowed his daggers for the past couple of missions. However there was a little problem...and he was probably going to kill me because of it.....or at least try to.

"And I'd like to not be called mortal and for you to ask politely, so...looks like neither of us are getting what we want. Aw shucks..." I said with a sarcastically sweet tone. I heard Loki let out a sharp breath of irritation. I rolled my eyes again. I was used to his little tantrums but that didn't make them any less annoying.

"Give me my daggers." He demanded. I shook my head.

"Nope. Not with that attitude I'm not." I retorted. I knew I'd have to say it sooner or later but I hadn't regained enough energy for what would ensue. Loki growled lowly. Suddenly I heard him slam his hands down against the couch by where my head was with a THUMP.

    "Listen you incompetent mortal, if you do not give me my daggers, I'll make you instantly regret it." He said, growling it into my ear. I took a few deep breaths, starting to recharge myself a bit.

    "I'll tell you where they are if you ask nicely, Loki Laufeyson." I gave him my ultimatum. He froze. I lifted my arm from my face. He looked slightly stunned. I smirked.

     "What? Didn't think I knew your real full name?" I asked. Loki snapped out of it, glaring down at me.

      "No, not really." He replied. I chuckled.

      "Good, you can thank your brother for that one." I told him. Loki scowled at the mention of his brother who was down the hall in his room, likely napping right now, as I wish I would've been. I rolled my eyes. "Loki, c'mon. Look, all you have to do here is say please." I groaned at him. Loki looked like he wanted to smack me but he heaved a sigh of frustrated defeat.

        "Fine....may I PUHLEASE know where my daggers are..." Loki said, putting dramatic sass and emphasis on the please part. I smiled, sitting up, starting to brace myself before I spilled the beans. I took a deep breath.

       "Well....they're kinda with Tony..." I told him. Loki furrowed his brow.

      "Tony? Why?" He asked. I took one last semi relaxed breath and clenched my eyes shut before I blurted out the truth.

    "I kinda ...sorta....accidentally....broke them..."

      "THOR! BRUCE! SOMEONE HELP ME!" I screamed, bolting down the hall past everyone's bedrooms. I slammed into the end door which belonged to Thor. I pounded my fists on the door and jiggled the knob. "THOR PLEASE YOU GOTTA LET ME IN, YOUR BROTHER IS TRYING TO KILL ME!!" I yelled. I whipped my head around and in the hallway entrance, stood Loki, looking like slender man but with a face. And boy was that face angry...I whipped back around and pounded in the door even harder.

     "THOR!!! PLEASE!!! WAKE UP!" I cried out. I glanced back, Loki was getting closer. I had nowhere to run. I jiggled and yanked at Thors doorknob, but alas, it wouldn't budge. And there was no answer or response of any sort. I groaned as I grew extremely desperate. I couldn't believe I was suddenly afraid of Loki, he was just a mischievous brat. Yet somehow he just became extremely intimidating to me...

      Suddenly, a hand tightly gripped my wrist and swiftly yanked me backwards. I was spun around as I was thrown ahead of Loki, which caused me to stumble as I turned. Then, I was slammed roughly against the wall. Loki's hands on either side of my head. I quivered a bit as I looked at him. He breathed heavily as he stared at me with his piercing blue eyes he moved in closer and closer, so close that the ends of our noses were practically touching. He lifted a hand and waved a finger in my face.

     "You broke my daggers. You naughty, naughty girl...." He scolded. I tensed, turning my gaze to the floor. "(Y/N)." He said. I didn't answer. "(Y/N)" he said again but more sternly. I still didn't respond. Loki then grabbed my jaw and forced my face to turn in his direction. His eyes were even closer now. So icy blue...I was shivering just looking at them.

      "Look at me. Never look away from me when I'm talking to you. Is that understood?" He asked. I nodded. His grip on my jaw tightened. "I need a verbal answer." I quivered slightly, fuck he was actually hot...

        "Yes." I answered. Loki's grip dropped lower to my neck. He gripped it from the side rather than the front. His thumb pressed against the center of my throat.

        "What's my name?" He asked. I gasped slightly as he applied more pressure to my neck.

      "L-Loki." I stammered. He smirked, leaning in even closer, I could feel his breath on my face.

     "Again. What's. My...Name." He said, a mischievous smile now growing on his face. I wheezed a little as his pressure turned into slight choking.

      "Loki." I croaked. Loki snickered.

      "Very good." He praised. His grip on my neck loosened. I gasped slightly as my airways were freed. I let out a sigh of relief. Then, Loki leaned in close to my ear. He breathed softly against it before he spoke.

     "Don't think you're off the hook yet you little minx. You still need to be punished for breaking my daggers." He whispered, tracing his finger down along the back of my spine. It sent tingles all over. I blushed hard. He chuckled.

"Oh dear, what's this? You're already flustered?" He smirked mischievously at me, lifting my chin with his finger. "I'm only just warming up darling." He said, looking into my eyes with the same level of lust in them as I had. "In fact, you'll be blushing several shades darker than this by the time I'm through with you."

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