Robin Buckley X Fem Reader

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          I ran through the halls of Hawkins High. I stared down at my watch. I cursed under my breath as I rushed to the band hall.

      "Shit shit shit shit!" I hissed. I felt like the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. I skidded against the floor as I arrived in front of the practice room. I glanced inside. I sighed in relief, they hadn't started yet. I pushed the door open, keeping my eyes on the floor as I walked to my spot in the trumpet section. I heard laughter. I glanced up as I set my stuff down on the ground. Robin sat there laughing at me.

    "Congrats dingus, you made it. And you're already winded before practice even started." She pointed out. I playfully nudged her.

   "Shut up ya nerd. I lost track of time." I explained. Robin raised her brows at me.

    "Oh? And who, may I ask, delayed you this time? Jane Austen?" She asked. I rolled my eyes.

    "No. For your information, it was Stephen King. I got caught up in the next chapter of Firestarter." I admitted. Robin shook her head.

    "Y'know, I never would've had you pegged as a horror fan." She stated. I shrugged.

    "There's a lot of things about me you probably don't know." I retorted. Robin looked at me curiously.

     "What do you mean?" Shit....shouldn't have said anything...I sat there nervously as thought up a way to change the subject but thankfully was saved by the principal.

     "Afternoon everyone. I'm here to let you all know that your teacher just called in sick, so, no rehearsals today." He announced. A mix of reactions were given in response. Nonetheless, this meant we could go home early since it was final period. After the principal left, we all started packing up our things.

     "So um got anything planned for today?" Robin asked. I thought about it for a second.

     " I don't think so. Just homework. What about you?" I asked. She shrugged.

    "Pretty much the you wanna hang out? I mean...since class is cancelled and all that jazz." She asked. I felt my heart skip a beat. Robin wanted to hang out with me. I kept my cool.

    "Yeah, sure! Sounds good." I agreed.
      "Wait, you're telling me, you are fluent in three different languages?" I asked. Robin nodded. We were talking, sitting on the curb in front of the radio shack, eating some corn dogs. I took another bite of my corn dog as Robin opened her mouth to speak.

     "Yep! Spanish, French and Italian." She confirmed. I raised my eyebrows in surprise as I swallowed my bite of corn dog. She was even cooler than I thought.

     "That's so cool. Maybe you could help me with my Spanish homework sometime." I told her.

     "Thanks. And yeah I definitely could." She said. There was a moment of silence.

     "So um....this may be a weird personal question, but do you like anyone at Hawkins High?" She asked. I just about choked as the words left her mouth. Shit....

     "Well....yeah. Do you?" I asked. Robin bit her lips together, nodding.

     "Yeah. But, I'm 99% sure it's never gonna happen." She shrugged. I furrowed my brow.

     "Why?" I asked. Robin fidgeted a bit, avoiding eye contact.

     "Um....I just don't think they would like me back I guess?" She answered. I cocked my head to the side curiously.

     "What are you talking about Robin? You're cute, you're funny, you speak three whole languages besides English, you play the French horn and you're one of the smartest people I know. How could they not like you?" I asked. She bit her lip like she was keeping something in.

     "I guess I don't really know. Just a gut feeling." She said.

     "A gut feeling?" I asked. She nodded hesitantly.

     "I feel like there's something else...are you just nervous about actually approaching them about it?" I asked. Robin shrugged.

    "Uh, sort of?" She answered with uncertainty. I nodded, setting my corn dog down on its plate.

    "Well, if you like someone, you'll never know if they like you back without telling them. I know it's me, I've been there. feels better when you have it off your chest and know the answer. So, if I were you, I'd go for it. The worst that could happen is they say no." I explained.

     "I don't think that's the worst that could happen..." she said. I looked at her confused.

     "What do you mean?" I asked. She fidgeted a bit again as she took a few breaths. Was she...nervous right now?

    "I don't want to ruin the friendship and I don't want them to hate me or treat me bad if they learn what I am...." She said, looking down at the ground. I looked at her with concern.

    "What you are?" I asked. She nodded. What did that mean....wait...was she?

    "Robin?" I asked. She looked back at me.


    "Would it help if I told you who my crush is?" I asked. She shrugged.

     "Maybe." She said. I felt my heart pounding like crazy. I never thought I'd work up the courage to do this....but if she was like me, then this could have a completely different outcome than I thought. I took a deep breath.

     "'s you. I have a crush on you." I said. Robin stared at me in shock and surprise. The silence was killing me. I knew it'd be a lot to process. Still, I internally braced for her to fully reject me and call me a freak and other slurs for liking girls. Robin half smiled.

     "I have a crush on you too." She said. Tears formed in her eyes. My jaw fell open.

     "'re also-" I started. Robin nodded smiling, laughing a bit.

      "Yes!" She confirmed. I felt my heart pounding again but not from nerves, from pure joy.

      "Holy shit." I said. I could hardly think straight. " what? I never thought I'd make it this far." I asked. Robin leaned in and grabbed my hand, lacing her fingers with mine.

    "I dunno...but whatever comes next, we'll be together." She said. I smiled. A blush creeped onto my cheeks. I was so happy..I couldn't help myself. I leaned in and planted a quick kiss on Robin's Cheek. She smiled at me, blushing as the single tear finally rolled down her cheek. I wiped it away.

     "You okay?" I asked. Robin chuckled.

      "Okay?" She repeated. "I've never been happier."


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