Mike Wheeler X Fem Reader (Reader Request)

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      I stood outside my boyfriend Mike's house, leaning slightly against my bike. I checked my watch, it was nearly 7. He was supposed to be done with his DND campaign by now. He told me earlier that we would go on a date at the arcade together afterwards. I decided to figure out what the holdup was. I walked up and rang the doorbell. Mike's mother answered the door.

     "Oh, hi there (Y/N)!" Mrs Wheeler greeted sweetly. Holly peeked at me shyly. from behind Mrs Wheelers leg. I waved at her before turning my attention back to Mrs. Wheeler.

     "Hi Mrs. Wheeler. Is Mike home? We were supposed to go to the arcade tonight after his DND campaign." I asked. She furrowed her brow.

    "Oh, Mike finished playing with the boys a while ago! Last I saw him, he was heading out on his bike somewhere!" She told me. That was odd...Mike never forgot or skipped out on date nights like this.

     "Oh, I see...thanks Mrs Wheeler. If you see him could you let him know I stopped by?" I asked. She smiled.

     "Of course, certainly." She concurred. I waved goodbye to her and Holly and turned to walk back towards my bike. I got on and started riding back home. Something didn't feel right. This wasn't like Mike at all. Where could he have gone? I rode past Dustin's house, and then Max's house. I sighed as I turned the next few blocks and finally rode onto my street. As I rode up to my house, I saw Dustin, Will and Lucas, running frantically in my direction from my driveway. What the hell was going on? I rode up and stopped by the sidewalk. As they came closer, I noticed they all looked panicked.

    "What's going on guys? Is everything okay?" I asked. Lucas shook his head. Will piped up.

    "(Y/N), we came here looking for you...it's Mike. He's in trouble..." my eyes widened and my stomach sank. I knew something was wrong.

     "What? Where is he? What's wrong?" I asked frantically.

    "We were in the woods by Will's house and Mike said he had to leave to meet up with you for your date night. So he walked off and a couple minutes later we heard him scream. We also heard a noise...." Dustin explained.

    "Noise?" I asked. Lucas sighed.

    "We...we think it's another Demogorgon."

     I rode as fast as I could to the Byers house. I jumped off my bike and bolted into the woods.

   "MIKE!!" I called out. Nothing. I ran further into the woods near Castle Byers, Wills fortress. I looked around. Still no sign of him. I was freaking out. It was getting dark. I hoped he was okay. "MIKE!!!" I called out. Suddenly I heard a distorted roar. I whipped my head around. There, just off in the distance, I saw it. It was a demogorgon. It had Mike cornered against a tree. It roared at him, opening its face to show its jagged, slimy, toothy insides. My eyes widened. I ran towards them and skidded to an abrupt stop about a yard away. I breathed heavily, focusing my energy on the demogorgon. I heard Papa's voice in my head. The anger and pain spread, fueling my power as I screamed, reaching out my hand, lifting the demogorgon with my powers off of Mike and into the air. I threw it against a log oak tree and pinned it there. I heaved and strained as I channeled every ounce of energy, power and strength I had into breaking it apart. The demogorgon screamed in pain, reaching out towards me before it disintegrated. As the last molecule of the creature faded into the air, I felt myself getting light headed. Everything started spinning.

     "(Y/N)!" I heard Mike cry out. I made out his figure running towards me. Before I could move towards him, I collapsed onto the ground.

   "Mike.." I muttered. I saw his face as I slowly blacked out.

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