Lucifer X Fem Reader (reader request)

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      I woke up in my room at the Hazbin Hotel. I held my head and groaned, feeling my heartbeat pounding through my skull. Definitely regretting all those tequila shots I had at the club last night. I sighed and rolled over, picking up my watch. As my eyes adjusted and read the numbers on my watch they practically popped right out of my head. I was late for work. I practically jumped out of bed and raced to my closet, quickly throwing my work clothes on. I grabbed my phone, makeup and bag before slipping on my shoes and racing out the door. After locking my door, I hurriedly opened my compact mirror and applied a bit of lipstick as I rushed towards the lobby. Suddenly I bumped into something and got knocked to the floor.

  I sighed in frustration, reaching for my compact. As I grabbed it, another hand slid over mine. I furrowed my brow and looked up. There, in front of me, stood a man, short in stature, angelic blonde hair, fair milky skin, rosy cheeks, and eyes that held a childlike curiosity. On his head was a wide brim top hat, with a red interior. He wore a white tailcoat with red ribbon trim and gold buttons and cufflinks. His waistcoat was white and pink striped, it reminded me of old candy striper uniforms. He stared back at me. Charlie stood behind him, peeking at me from over his shoulder.

     "You okay (Y/N)?" She's asked. I snapped out of my daze, blushing furiously.

   "Yes I-I'm late, I've gotta go!" I said, grabbing my things from the floor before getting up quickly and rushing out the front door.


I rushed into Vox enterprises with the coffee order Vox sent to my watch. I hated wearing it but it could've been worse. I stood in the elevator and stared at my watch.

8:58 AM

Shit, I had two minutes before this coffee needed to be in the hands of my bosses. Last time I was late, Velvet dumped half of her coffee on me and yelled at me about how it should be hot enough to burn me. I stamped my foot anxiously, forcing myself to pull my eyes off of my watch. Finally, the elevator reached the top floor.


I booked it through the big red doors and raced down the wire covered hallway.


I reached the doors and hurriedly opened them and walked in, carefully making sure I don't drop or spill the coffee.

"Sorry for the wait, I got your-"

I stopped as I looked up. At the table sat Velvet, Vox, and Val in their usual spots, but there was a new face I was definitely not expecting to see. It was the beautiful blonde man I ran into this morning. I stared at him as everyone stared back at me. I was torn out of my daze by the sound of fingers snapping irritably.

"Oi! Id like my coffee sometime today intern!" Velvet snapped at me. The hot guy shot her a cold glare.

"Shit, right! Sorry Miss Velvet." I said, hurriedly handing her, her coffee, Val his, and Vox his. The blonde man cleared his throat and stood up.

"I'm sorry, I don't believe we were ever fully introduced.." he said with a smile. I smiled nervously back.

"You're right, we weren't. names (Y/N), I'm sorry about bumping into you and rushing off. That was rude of me.." I apologized, holding my hand out to shake. Lucifer looked at me surprised for a second before laughing.

"Hahaha! Oh psh, no biggie! And wow that's a lovely name, really rolls off the tongue! I'm Lucifer, charmed to meet you little lady." He said with a wink, shaking my hand firmly. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped open. I felt my face turn bright red.

"You're the Lucifer? Like, the ruler of hell?" I asked in shock. Lucifer nodded his head.

"Yep! That's me, the big L! Heheh." He said with a nervous laugh. I felt a small wave of embarrassment hit me as I had no idea who he was up until this point. That definitely explained how he was so hot, he was a fallen angel.

"Ahem! While I'd love to let you two sit and chat, we have a meeting to start." Val said in an annoyed but professional tone. I nodded my head and turned to leave.

"Actually, wait, (Y/N)!" I stopped and turned back around. Lucifer smiled at me helplessly.
"Could um...could I actually get a cup of tea? Earl grey if you could?" He asked. I nodded.

"Of course, sir." I confirmed. Before turning around and heading to the break room to whip him up a cup of tea. I went over to the stove and grabbed the kettle and filled it with water. I turned the stove on and set the water to boil and broke out the tea box and flipped through the packets till eventually I found an earl grey. I set it out, on the table, then pulled out a teapot, teacup and saucer from the cabinet, followed by a spoon, a ramekin and tray to carry everything on. I filled the ramekin with sugar cubes, grabbed a couple of honey packets, and put some cream in the little pitcher.

I opened up the teapot and inserted the infuser and poured in the tea herbs in. As I finished, I heard the kettle start to scream. I turned off the stove and poured the water from the kettle into the teapot till it was full. I set up the rest of the items on the tray as I let the tea steep. The whole time I was making his tea, I couldn't stop thinking about his eyes staring back at mine. After the tea was done steeping, I removed the infuser and put the lid back on the pot and set it on the tray and quickly walked back to the conference room.

I knocked three times before entering as a warning, because if I didn't, Val would murder me in cold blood. I walked in carrying the tray with care, and walked the tray to the back table and picked up the cup and saucer as the V's kept talking. I turned and set it down on the table in front of Lucifer. I set out the honey and cream and sugar as well before carefully grabbing the teapot with a hot-rag, and poured him a cup of tea. I set the pot down there on the table gently, as Lucifer mixed in some sugar and took a sip.

"Mmm perfect, thank you (Y/N)" he said. I beamed.

"Of course sir." As I stepped away, I heard a gasp. I whipped around nervously to find Lucifer staring with starry eyes in excitement at what I thought was my feet.

"Are those....ducky socks?!" He whispered. I bit my lips together embarrassed and nodded.

"Yeah...." I said. Lucifer lifted up a pant leg discreetly, revealing, much to my surprise, that he was wearing the exact same socks as me. I stared in surprise as a smile grew across my face.

"Great minds think alike huh?" I whispered. He nodded, glanced to the V's to make sure they weren't looking, then waved his finger, motioning for me to come closer. I cautiously bent down so my head was level with his.

"Hold out your hand" he said. I furrowed my brow in confusion but did as I was told. I held my hand open, palm up. I felt him slip something paper into my hand and gently close my hand.

"Don't open it till you leave the room." He advised. I gave a firm nod to show I understood before I stood up straight again.

"(Y/N), amorcita, be a good girl and go grab the four of us some lunch, will you?" Val said blowing a puff of smoke my way, I coughed once, wafting it away and nodded.

"Yes sir." I agreed before scurrying out of the room.

Once I shut the door behind me, I gently opened my hand to find a little origami duck. I beamed at it, it was just too cute! I then noticed a little note on its head. I squinted reading the tiny writing.

"Open me"

I took a quick picture of the duck and admired it one last time before carefully unfolding it. On it was a note followed by a phone number.

"Wanna go out for pancakes tonight? :3" it read. I happily put his phone number in my contacts and messaged him before heading off to get the lunches.

"Duck yes ;3"

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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