Chandler Bing X Fem reader

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       I dusted myself off as I stood up. I had just finished moving the last of my boxes into my new apartment in New York City. I checked my watch. It was still early, and I could definitely use a cup of coffee. Thinking back, I thought I recalled seeing a coffee shop on my way here across the street. Central Perk I think it was called? I slipped my cardigan on and grabbed my wallet and my new apartment key and walked out the door, locking it behind me.

      I walked out of the building and turned my head, and there it was. Central Perk, my recollection was correct after all! I walked across the street towards the shop. As I approached I smelled the coffee grounds wafting from inside. I opened the door and stepped inside. I walked up to the bar. Behind the bar was a man with very very short whiteish-blonde hair, a long sleeve button up and a tie. He looked up and noticed me as I walked up.

     "Hi there, my name is Gunther, what can I get for you miss?" He asked. I thought it over for a second.

     "Hi I please have a caramel cappuccino?" I asked Gunther pulled a pen out of his breast pocket and a small notepad from his pants pocket and scribbled down my order.

    "Absolutely. Anything else for you today?" He asked, looking back up at me.

    "Nope, that'll do." I answered. Gunther nodded.

    "Alrighty, I'll have that caramel cappuccino ready for you right away." He informed. I nodded.

    "Thank you!" I thanked him. Once he walked away I started to look around. The furniture and decor were really colorful. The atmosphere was really nice. I could definitely make this a chill spot for myself. After I thought more for a few minutes, I was suddenly pulled out of my daze.

    "Hey." I shook my head, blinking a couple times. A man with black hair, a long sleeve crew neck and jeans stood in front of me. He was looking me up and down smiling with a goofy little nod. When he looked at my face, he spoke again. "How you doin'?" He asked. I smirked shaking my head.

    "Fine thanks....can I help you?" I asked. He shrugged. "Depends...could I have your number?" He asked. I scoffed. "You don't even know my name and I don't know yours...yet you want my number?" I asked. He suddenly looked stunned...I got the feeling this guy wasn't used to being shut down by women. ", actually, it's for my friend." I rolled my eyes.

   "Ok, if it's for your friend, than tell your friend that he can come talk to me first." I said. He nodded and went behind the couch where several other people sat. I turned back to the counter just in time to see Gunther slide my coffee over to me. I gave him cash for it and took as seat at one of the tables. I sipped on my coffee for a bit. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone approaching from behind the couch. I sighed thinking it was the flirt from before before I looked up. To my surprise, that's not who was standing there. It was a cute guy with brown hair and blue eyes. He wore khaki pants with a button up denim shirt with the sleeves rolled up to quarter length, and a black vest over it.

     "Um...hi there." He said a bit nervously. I smiled politely.

    "Hi there." I greeted. He scratched the back of his neck as he opened his mouth to speak.

   "I'm'm sorry about him...Joey's my friend." He said, gesturing to the guys from before who was glancing over in our direction. I nodded. So he was telling the truth.

   "I'm (Y/N). So, you must be the friend who wanted my number then?" I asked. Chandler nodded.

   "Yeah....sorry I um...I haven't really had much practice with flirting, it's been a while since I've been in a relationship.." he admitted. Wow, cute and vulnerable? I kinda liked him already.

   "That's okay. But, if you want my number, you're gonna have to tell me more about yourself so I know you aren't some weird creep." I told him. Chandler nodded and sat down across from me.

    "Well....let's see. I'm Chandler Bing, Im a data analyst, I live with Joey, whom you've met. I make jokes when I'm uncomfortable...and I think you are very very pretty." He said. I smiled.

    "Thank you Chandler." I thanked him. "Well....I can't give you my number." I said. Chandler sighed and nodded in understanding standing up looking like he was about to walk away.

    "I see. Um...thank you for your time." He said. Before he could turn, I grabbed his shirt sleeve giving it a gentle tug.

    "Woah Woah, hang on...I was going to ask if you'd like to go on a date instead." I offered. Chandler looked shocked.

    "Y-Yes! Yes! Absolutely!" He said excitedly. He started doing a funny little happy dance. I couldn't help but giggle at it. Suddenly he tripped and fell, flat on the ground. I gasped.

    "Are you okay?" I asked, hovering over him. He nodded.

   "Yep. Fantastic. I think I might've damaged my ego on my way down." He said. I laughed.

   "Well, hopefully you get it fixed by tonight. Meet me here at 7?" I asked. He nodded, still laying on the floor.

   "Sounds good." He said sitting up. I held out my hand, to help him up. He took it, and I pulled him up, but with I guess a bit more strength than I needed because he shot off the floor and fell on top of me. I stumbled backward and to both our surprise, we wound up in an awkward dip position. I laughed as Chandler had a look of embarrassment on his face.

    "I'm so sorry...." He apologized. I shook my head and leaned forward, kissing him on the cheek.

   "Don't apologize. It was cute." I told him. Chandler put a hand to his cheek where I had just kissed as I stood up straight and grabbed my wallet from the table.

    "See you later, Chandler." I said. I waved and he waved back awkwardly, blushing with a goofy grin on his face as I turned and left.

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