are you okay?olive
i keep thinking
and like i feel bad but I don't yk?
like i am sorry but i dont want to bemarky
i don't understand, you can be such a nice
person and you're super fun to be around
when we're all together
but the second you're alone with someone
or they want to talk one on one, you're
suddenly so tenseolive
i knowmarky
like maybe if you can give a reason,
we could all understand
because i know luke doesn't actually hate
you or anything,
but he was saying a lot of trutholive
its just like
i dont want someone to really like me?
idk its stupid and ik thatmarky
why wouldn't you want them to like you
do you really not know?olive
i dont even like that you like me
it scares memarky
why? there's nothing to be afraid ofolive
i could hurt you
you could realize how terrible i really am
and then you'd leave
and then id be hurt.
in the end its just me being selfishmarky
I don't think you're terribleolive
do you really know me though?marky
i know enough
i know you don't really like cats or dogs
but you like lizards
your favorite color is purple
you like when it rains because the smell
you hate new movies because they all feel
you started writing music because it helps
you get the words out that you cant really
say yourself
and you're ambidextrousolive
jeez are you in love w me or something?marky
no, i just pay attention
i realized that when we became friends
you weren't gonna open up full so
i just kinda picked up on the little thingsolive
i didnt realize you even cared that muchmarky
i do
i care about all my friendsolive
well now i feel like an assholemarky
cause you are :)
but sometimes we like it, brings a bit
of fire into the groupolive
as if you're not a hot headmarky
i leave it on the ice thougholive
very trueOlive stared at her phone, finger hovering over the small green button. Sucking in a deep breath, she clicked it, staring at herself on the screen as it rang. After a few seconds, a blurred face came into view.
"Um, hey?" He answered, a hand running through his hair, which was freshly wet.
"I just.. I wanted to apologize." Olive mumbled, the words felt forced from her mouth.
Luke sighed, walking inside, "Olive, it's just kinda hard to believe you because I know you'll still act like that. I see that you're cool and shit so the guys obviously like you but I'm not like that." He told her, his eyes never once meeting the screen. He was looking around, as if he expected to see someone.
"I know, Luke. I actually think you're a great person.. I wish I could explain myself to you, but I don't know how. Like.. the words they just—"
"Get stuck? And you say things you don't mean?"
"Exactly that. Although sometimes, I do mean it and that's shit of me." She said, watching as he finally sat down on a couch.
"You're just really good at deflecting. I think if we actually took the time to get to know each other, we could be great friends. We just kinda went off of first impressions and assumptions. I think you'd like my brothers too, if you just gave them a chance."
Olive let out a stiff laugh, "I don't mind Quinn but Jack.. I'm not sure, he's different."
"He's not much different from Quinn and I. He just speaks his mind better, I guess." Luke looked to the screen with a slight frown.
"I hate that." Olive mumbled, "he makes me so-fuck, I don't even know how I feel when it comes to him."
"What do you mean?"
"Like most people, I don't want to get close to. Then with Jack its like, I know that if I were to I'd really like him."
"There's nothing wrong with that, though." Luke mumbled, and she shook her head.
"There's plenty wrong with it."
"Hey, Lukey! What're you do—" Jack leaned over the couch, peaking down at the phone in his brothers hand. "Oh." He stood there for a second, confusion written over his face.
"Hey, Jack." Olive spoke quietly, a guilt ridden smile on her face.
"Um, hey?" Jack's brows furrowed, glancing from his brother to the girl on the phone. Olive swore she saw his eyes roll before he walked out of the camera view.
"Dude!" Luke called out, but there wasn't a response. "Okay, I gotta go make sure he doesn't throw a fit. I'll text you, we can even build that stage in the world later, too." Olive smiled, waving to Luke as he hung up.

Fanfictionolive didn't have a real reason for not liking jack when she met him. maybe he'd rubbed her wrong, or maybe she knew that if she let herself like him, she'd be the one hurting. social media & irl