umich's finestkassie <3
should i get alcohol?olive
for?kassie <3
we're going to a party tonightmarky
beers??kassie <3
ugh ofc youd ask for thoseolive
wait what partykassie <3
a lake house party
so wear a swimsuitmarky
it'll be funolive
whos party thoeasy e
hugheskassie <3
dude now she wont goolive
i wanna go
i just don't want to go uninvited
lemme text luke and make sure hes
fine with me comingmarky
well thats a twistkassie <3
no fr
whos this and wheres oliveeasy e
its ollie not olivekassie <3
no fr
ollie is so niceolive
what—kassie <3
your different personas
olive: normal, bitch, my bsf
ollie: nice, a blast
liv: the one youd bring home to mommamarky
liv is a personal favoriteolive
yall make me sound crazykassie <3
are you not?olive
alright luke said its fine if i come
as long as im nice to jack
and his friendsOlive was nervous, like the same nervous she got before performing or taking a test in any maths. Her heart was pounding and she'd been overthinking. She didn't know how good of an idea it was that she actually attended this party, one run by three brothers who didn't entirely like her at the moment.
She still hadn't text Jack, well, he still hadn't texted her. Either way, it was going to be a little weird between them when she showed up.
Yet, Olive had a good poker face.
When Kassie picked her up, joined by Ethan and Mark, the thought of her being anxious didn't cross their minds. She was good at hiding herself, always had been. Rather than telling them, she took a few shooters that her best friend provided with her fake ID.
The drive to the lake house was only about thirty minutes, but Olive had already gotten a buzz in the backseat. Her and Mark had filled her phone with selfies, her hands shaking the entire time—they all came out blurry.
"This it?" Kassie pointed to the house.
It was huge, especially for a lake house. Olive hadn't expected any less though, as the Hughes seemed to be a big name in the hockey world. It was a party, party, only their friends had been invited.

Fanfictionolive didn't have a real reason for not liking jack when she met him. maybe he'd rubbed her wrong, or maybe she knew that if she let herself like him, she'd be the one hurting. social media & irl