Case 20: Another side

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Detective Larson was in his office, checking files, looking out the window, and fixing his tie, when one file was left open.

He didn't realize it at first, but this file wasn't there before. He looked at it, and picked it up, the small metal fan on the desk keeping the room at a cold 40 degrees.

"Clay burke..? What's this file about some big shot doing here? I didn't pick this up."

He read through the file, it was details on me, the police chief of hurricane Utah, it wasn't pretty.

"...hipocrite...faker....killer...huh. why would the chief of police do things like this? It couldn't be for justice. ...that gives me an idea." Larson closed the file and left the fan on, taking the file and leaving the office, heading to the big man of the department. Detective Riley Saliento. Of course, he wasn't having any of it and had told Larson to leave the room, annoyed, Larson had now planned to bring what he found out of me to light. The only downside wasn't real. Someone wanted to frame me for something I didn't do. Like a deer in headlights, as if I was just going to stand there and get ran over. I didn't know it at the time, neither did Larson. But soon, he would had figured it out, even when it was too late.

Another man had entered the office not long after Larson did. William Delanco. A man that had caused some trouble in the past, but wasn't too much trouble. He actually wanted to join the force once, but due to his track record, we couldn't allow him in.

He told Riley about something called Ennard. And that something was possed by the soul of a child, he knew who had caused it. And said it was someone the detective knew.

I didn't know about it until a file had been left on my desk on day when everyone was leaving for the day.

Whatever this Ennard thing was, it was getting a lot of attention, for the wrong reasons.

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