Case 26: The end of Ennard

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The metal creature stormed into the room, breaking everything in its path, Jen and Delilah got out the weapons they had recovered from the police department, Detective Riley got out a lighter.

"It looks to be damaged, heres the plan, we set it on fire and and shoot it with all we got. That should put it down for good. Okay, on three."

Ennard stopped and looked in the direction of the conversation and let out a yell, charging at them from only a few feet away, yanked the cover away.


The three of them fired at Ennard, pushing it back, Riley flicked the lighter, turning it on and threw it at Ennard, it screamed in pain as the lighter caught it on fire.

The bullets and the lighter had connected, and with the smoke from the bullets still being hot, caused Ennard to catch on fire.

It grabbed at Jen, who kicked its wired hand away.

"It seems it's you it wants, well it won't get you. Let's finish it off!" Delilah said with confidence.

As the three kept shooting at Ennard, they made their way to the door it had torn down. And it slowed down, the eyes on it had started to flicker and shut off one by one.

"Jen, do you have any explosives from the police station?" Riley said to the middle aged woman.

"Of course, always wanted to end a show with fireworks!" Jen exclaimed dramatically as she got out a grenade from one of her dress pockets and pulled the pin, tossing it toward the firey Ennard.

Suddenly, it spoke.

"J E N N I F E R....Y O U W I L L P A Y F O R Y O U R C R I M E S"

The grenade explodes as the three got away from the small building, as they caught what Ennard had said.

"Crimes? What crimes? Bestie, what have you been hiding???" Delilah said as the adrenaline quickly wore off.

Jen said nothing as she started walking away, Riley grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"Hold it, something seemed off about you since we first met. I think it's time we take you back to the station and ask you some questions." Riley said, looking his friend in the face, Jen didn't seem to looked like she cared.

"Okay, but you won't like what you hear." Jen said.

To be continued

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