Chapter 9

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Keith's P.O.V.

Lance and I sat in comfortable silence in my basement, each doing our own thing. We just did things on our phones and ate some of the snacks while not even talking to each other much. It was nice though somehow.

"Wanna go to McDonald's or something?" Lance asked suddenly.


"I'm craving their fries right now." Lance stated.

"Uh... sure. I guess we can go," I said.

"Awesome." Lance stood up right away and stretched. "Let's go then."

I sighed quietly and lifted my body off the couch, the place I've been sitting for the past three hours.


I drove Lance to McDonald's with my motorcycle and was going to wait outside while he went and did what he was doing. "Aren't you coming along?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes and turned my bike off. I kicked down the break and shoved my keys in my pocket. I followed Lance inside and stayed close behind him.

The restaurant was very empty. The only people in there was workers. As much as I hate people, the fact that there wasn't any made me feel even more uncomfortable.

I followed Lance as he walked up to the counter to make his order. The person behind the counter asked how she could help him, and he ordered a large fry. He then looked over at me and asked if I wanted anything. I declined because it seemed like the polite thing to do, plus I'm not really in the McDonald's mood tonight.

"I must say, you're looking rather davishing tonight." Lance said to the employee as he payed for his order.

"Excuse me?" They said.

"Could I perhaps, and excuse me for asking this, get your number?"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. He's so embarrassing.

The worker handed him his receipt and said, "Have a good night," very monotonously.

Lance shuffled over to the area where he was to wait for his order. It was prepared rather quickly, probably because the lack of customers.

After lance received his McDonald's bag, he walked over to a table. I sat down across from him and watched as he ate his fries.

"Why did you ask for that person's number?" I asked.

Lance seemed to be taken a little off guard. "Why not? She was hot, don't ya think?"

His lack for respect in women disgusts me. I shrugged and replied, "I'm not interested in girls."

Lance's eyes widened slightly. "O-oh. Right."

"Is that a problem?" I asked.

"No. Not at all," he answered.

I nodded my head and stole one of his fries. That earned me an indescribable look from Lance. "You said you didn't want anything."

"I don't," I said. "That's just one fry."

Lance narrowed his eyes at me and said, Okay..." suspiciously.

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