chapter sixteen

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Fury's nostrils flared dangerously. "Rogers..."


"Gotta go, bye!"

Natasha and I tried to make a break for it. A stray bullet zipped right past our faces and hit the wall in front of us, halting all movement in the corridor. Running suddenly didn't seem like such a good idea.

"We've got to talk," Fury growled, lowering his weapon. "Now."

I wanted to believe that he purposely missed the shot, but the way he was looking at us made me doubt that theory.

Natasha breathed out of her nose irately. "We're kind of in a hurry, Nick. Can't whatever it is wait?"

"No it can't, Miss Romanoff," Fury responded through clenched teeth. He reached into his trench coat pocket and pulled out a roughly folded piece of paper. He tossed it to me.

"What is this?"

Fury blinked. "It's a situation that we need to deal with. And by we I mean you." Natasha impatiently nudged me with her shoulder. Quickly, I unfolded the paper and read the handwritten message.

An eye for an eye.


"The was left on my desk. Found it this morning. Still not sure how HYDRA located our new headquarters, but until I find out, I'm blaming this entire mess on you, Rogers. Anyway, I'm guessing they want Barnes, who Miss Romanoff has been having to keep me updated on."

"Speaking of Barnes..." gasped Natasha before breaking into a jog down the hallway. Just ahead of her, Tony was dragging in an unconscious Bucky from his bionic arm. Naturally, I turned to Fury for guidance. Instead of looking back at me, he smirked deviously down the hall.

I guess seeing the man who'd almost killed him now so fragile made Fury feel powerful.

"What happened?" Natasha demanded. She pressed her fingers up to Bucky's neck, checking for a pulse. He was set down right in front of us. Exhausted, Tony threw himself against a nearby wall.

"We were just talking and he went fucking berserk and passed out..." Stark managed to gasp out. He looked like he was about to keep talking, but decided not to.

I didn't know what was wrong with Bucky, but his face was draining color. And he was already very white. He was starting to turn purple.

My soldier's instinct suddenly kicked in. In a flash, I threw Buck'y limp body over my shoulder and started to move. I didn't know how to navigate through that part of Stark tower, but I did know that I had to go somewhere...

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