Senior Prank

873 50 4

Story Song: The Raveonettes - Dead Sound

Word Count: 1235

A/N: I don't know why I didn't post this one before the summer one. I was just feeling the other one at the time. Probably because school has ruined me:)

Aleks' P.O.V

As the heads of the senior year planning committee, we had to wrack our brains for an idea for a senior prank, it being the end of the year.

All of us being the nerds (We were the heads of the planning committee, we've all come to accept the fact that we were nerds) we decided to recruit some of the cooler seniors we knew.

There was Seamus O'Doherty, the one everyone was drawn to without him even needing to try. He only wanted to get the fuck out of here with little to no ruffling of feathers, but he did make a great impression on all of the underclassmen.

There was Jordan Mathewson, the athletic people person who made friends left and right and was genuinely kind and caring. He definitely made the most out of everything and actually gave people faith in the myth that was 'The Highschool Experience'.

And then there was James Wilson. He was my pick. The committee was reluctant to pick him to help us out, especially my friend Kevin, who accused me of hiring him aboard simply because I liked him. False, by the way. I thought it would be better for the school trouble maker to be on our side in this. Plus, he was the biggest prankster there ever was. He was perfect.

"Hello gentlemen. We've recruited you guys today because a lot of the underclassmen seem to look up to you and we think you guys could help us come up with an idea for the senior prank."

There was four of us on the committee. Dan Gidlow, Kevin MacFarlane, and me. There were also the lowerclassmen representatives, but I didn't pay too much attention to them.

Dan did all the talking because he was the nicest of the bunch.

I studied each of their individual faces, and caught James doing the same to me. I broke contact, cheeks ablaze.

"Sure, I'm up for it." Jordan said with a smile.

"Why not? I'm gonna have to participate in it anyway, might as well help plan it." Seamus shrugged. The only one that seemed wary was James.

"I don't know.." He said, scratching his head and ruffling his curly black hair.

"We'd really appreciate help from you, James." Dan said. James' eyes flickered towards me, and my breath caught in my throat. They seemed to assess me, as if asking me if I think he should join. I smiled to see what effect that would have.

He barked out a laugh, running his hands over his face.

"Sure. I gotta give back to the school every now and then just to catch 'em off guard." All of the men in the room snickered.

We met up twice a week for two weeks, working diligently. I scolded myself for almost hiding away from James, but the dude was intimidating.

We came up with the prank by the first week, all thanks to him.

"I've had this idea since my freshman year, so go easy on it. Bring your pets to school day."

"What about kids with allergies?" Kevin pointed out.

"We already have to alert all the seniors, why not just tell the other classes?" I suggested.

"That'll be tricky to do without the staff finding out." Jordan said, shifting his cap to scratch his hair.

"It's such a good idea though. I can really see this being fun for everyone."

We found a way to make it work after a little bit of tinkering, so the rest of the time was spent doing that.

The day came, and all the seniors had been notified.

I brought in my dog Mishka, deciding to leave the cats at home. I'm glad I decided not to bring them since Kevin, Dan, Seamus, and Jordan all brought in their cats.

I searched for James through the sea of animals, smiles and laughter surrounding me. I rubbed Mishka's ear at a picnic table on the outskirts of school, watching everybody pour in.

I saw James pour in last, towing a very energetic corgi in, one who was very excited to see other animals.

"Hey," He greeted, plopping down on top of the picnic table.

"This is Ein." He introduced.

"Mishka." I retorted.

"Were you waiting for me?" He asked.

"Yeah, but I was mostly just people watching." I admitted.

"I've caught you doing that a couple times. It's always interesting to me. I wonder what you think of when you look at them." I raised my eyebrow.

"Well, when I was looking at all the people going in, I was thinking of you and what a great idea you came up with and how hard you worked. And I thought of the guys, and the accomplishment this was. You missed it, seeing that sea of people. They were all so happy and just laughing and having a blast," A warm smile grew on my face.

"Do I really do it that much?" I asked after a silence had washed over us.

"Yeah. But I've gone to school with you for four years, I'm not a good judge of 'How many is too many?',"

I laughed at that.

"And to be perfectly honest, I was infatuated with you for all those years." He said with a chuckle, scratching Ein's scruff until it panted in joy.

I looked at him for a good while, gauging his facial expression in an attempt to see if he was serious.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" I said, voice low.

"We should get to class." He said, trying to divert the topic.

"We're seniors, we don't need to be anywhere."

"I don't know.." He scratched the hair on the back of his head.

"We were never close."

"We could have been." I said honestly, hopping down from my spot next to him, carrying the wriggling Mishka under my arm.

"We could have?" He said, giving me the cutest, dopiest look I've ever seen.

"Yeah. Still can." I said, heading into the gates of school, setting Mishka down on all fours so she could walk.

I heard footsteps behind me, too quick to process, and before I knew it, I was turned around and James' lips were pressed against mine. They were soft and warm, and everything about him was pleasant. Him touching me made me feel like those moments when you're outside and the cold of the rain is combating the heat, or when you're at a concert and all you can feel is the music, and it's so stifling, and then a breeze comes to save you, pressing right up against your cheeks. James felt like that and everything good in between.

We pulled away reluctantly, shifting so our dogs weren't pressed against each other anymore. I was grinning, looking down at the brown fur sitting atop Mishka's head, but when I looked up, I saw James was smiling too.

"Oh God." I groaned when I saw that our dogs made laps around our tangled legs, successfully wrapping us together.

"We're seniors, we don't need to be anywhere." He said, his arm wrapping around my neck as he brought me in for another kiss.

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