Demon & Angel

705 42 1

Story Song: Bad Religion - Frank Ocean

Word Count: 1101

(A/N: I thought that picture was really funny)

DISCLAIMER: This particular chapter has religious themes, so if you're uncomfortable, I suggest not reading.

Third Person P.O.V

"Hello, gorgeous." A man said, and it would have been condescending or off putting had the brunette not looked into red and black eyes and realized that demons were always truthful. 

Aleks refrained from blushing though, his lip curling in disgust.

"Do you see the wings, buddy?" 

"I can't even talk to you, you're so above me, huh?" 

He responded, plopping down in the barstool next to the sneering angel. 

 "Well, considering heaven and Hell are on the opposite spectrum, I'm gonna have to go with yes. I am above you. Literally above you." The demon chortled, his drink slid to him by the bartender. 

He took a small sip before turning to the angel. 

"If you'd stop being so high and mighty, you'd realize that I'm an absolute catch. Even for a demon." Even for a demon. That's tough talk. 

"It still baffles me everyday that there's such a huge misconception about demons and angels." 

"I'm not your ranting buddy, hornhead. I save lives, you end them. I don't see the misconception." 

"I end lives with the truth. You save them with magic bullshit and lies. I tell them what they're avoiding, and you grant one stupid wish and then let them live, thinking their lives are better when they're not."

"Why is it that every demon I meet wants to have a political debate?" The brunette turns to face the demon with a sultry smirk, bumping his knees in the process. 

The demon looked into the almost golden eyes of the angel, laughing breathlessly. 

"Man, I'll tell you, I've gotten used to the fact that I'm an ugly sonofabitch, but I'll never get over how beautiful you guys are." This time, the angel did blush. 

"Aleks." He said after a brief moment of silence, not knowing what to say in response. 

"James." He said, downing the rest of his drink. 

"I have to admit, I know that angels are notorious dickheads, but sometimes I don't want to be like that." 

"Oh yeah? Tell the hornhead more about it." He said teasingly, raising his eyebrows and tapping his horns. 

"I have to keep up appearances." Aleks shrugged. James rolled his eyes. 

"Do you want to get out of here?" Aleks blurted out suddenly, causing James to assess him in surprise. 

"Seriously?" The corner of Aleks' lip quirked up in an endearing half-smile. 


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