Princetonboy123 Pt. 1

443 29 4

Story Song: I Need You - m83

Word Count: 1542

a/n: Sorry, I haven't updated in awhile. I saw the Hillary Duff A Cinderella Story, and it inspired this lmao. I don't know how many parts there will be but this definitely isn't it.

Third Person P.O.V

Aleks' father was his best friend, and vice versa. His mother died when he was very young, and they both only had each other. He owned the greatest diner filled with the greatest people that all made up his family.

When he was nine years old, his father remarried a woman named Stefani. And with Stefani came her two sons, Spencer and Joe. They weren't.. fond of Aleks, to say the least. They made that very clear even before his dad died.

It was a stormy sunday night, and his father was reading to him.

His father seemed to know that Aleks wasn't like most boys his age, and it's the main reason that they connected so well. His father taught him track and baseball, and in return, Aleks' father read the fairy tales Aleks sought after every night.

It was with droopy eyes, curled into his father's chest that he listened intently to the fairy tale from his large book of tales.

"..And then the prince kissed her hand and they got onto his horse and rode into the night. And they lived happily ever after."

"Dad, do you believe in fairy tales?" The sleepy Aleks asked, looking through his eyelashes with a child like wonderment.

"I believe in dreams." His father answered confidently, knowingly.

"What is your dream?"

"Well my dream is for you to go to college, for us to live happily."

"Where do princes and princesses go to college?" He asked, and his dad was stumped.

"Uhm.. Well, the princesses go where the princes go. And they go to.. Well.. Princeton." Aleks nodded like it finally clicked, and his dad grinned at him.

Aleks looked to see the fake snow in one of his snowglobes billowing upwards, and his eyebrows furrowed.

His father followed his gaze, and one of the wall hangings fell from behind him.

"Earthquake!" His father shouted, pulling him out of his bed from his armpits and planting him in his doorway.

Suddenly, a shout for help from Stefani drew the attention from the two.

"I gotta go check on her."

"No, dad don't!" Aleks grabbed at his fathers sleeve, eyes wide and watering.

"I'll be right back." He assured with a rush.

And that was the last time he saw his father.

Stefani inherited the diner, and the house since his father never left a proper will. And to her disappointment, she inherited Aleks. She completely redid everything, banishing the nine year old that lost his best friend to the attic.

The only real family he did have were the other workers at the diner, where he spent most of his time, that is when he wasn't waiting on Stefani hand and foot.


Not a lot of people knew the real James.

They saw what they wanted to see; An attractive quarterback who was dating the most popular boy in school.

But James was so much more. His dream wasn't football, and he didn't want to run his dads carwash. He wanted to go to Princeton, and he wanted more than anything for people to know the real him - the him that finds release talking to others that share his interests, the him that loves poetry, and the him that wants so much more than what his dad had planned.

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