Ch-5 The "Test"

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Tetsuya POV

It's been around a day or more since I met Erina and Alice. Right now, Erina was just giving me a little tour of the garden and playing. Alice was there too. The two of them ran around, played with me, laughed and said funny stories and had a good time.

Alice explained how she will one day make food good enough to impress Erina while Erina just deadpanned at her and accepted the challenge.

While that was happening, my pupils narrowed greatly as I felt very uneasy. My ears slightly twitched when I heard a light growl. Quickly, I got up and turned around towards the bushy part of the garden, glaring straight into the bushes.

This didn't go unnoticed by the two Nakiri's.

"Y/n ? Wh-what's the matter ?" Alice asked me with a worried expression on seeing me seriousness.

I ignored her and got a little lower while pulling them both behind me. "I need both of you to run. Right now. Go call the staff or your parents."

"H-huh ? W-what do you mean ? Why are you acting like this so suddenly ?" The answer was pretty clear when she noticed my gaze.

On seeing what I was looking at, she froze up. Slowly walking out of the bushes, was a large wolf. It bared it sharp fangs and saliva dropped from its mouth. It's predatory eyes glared at the three of us while taking slow steps.

Erina and Alice both froze in fear. "I said leave. Go call someone else."

"But...! What about-"

"I'll be fine! Just leave... right now." I replied while not looking back at her.

The wolf was pretty large. But this entire encounter doesn't make sense. Last time I checked, wolves shouldn't be found here in Japan. Moreover, why is there one inside the Nakiri estate ? It doesn't make any sense at all. In all honesty, I have a pretty good idea what this little doggy is doing here and why he's here.

My luck is that he seems to be a lone wolf, so I won't have to worry about dealing with an entire pack. As of right now, I do not have a weapon on me. Not even a knife or fork. In fact, even a pencil would do but I don't have that either.

That makes this harder. Killing him won't be too hard. However, I cannot guarantee not getting any injuries. Frankly I'd leave with at least a broken bone and an injured limb but that's it. I've killed a boat before. This one shouldn't be too hard.

"Go! You'll only distract me. Instead of standing there and waiting to get mauled, run away and call for help!" I told them and they both nodded.

"Alright! B-but be careful!" They both ran away and I stared the wolf down, looking right into its eyes while standing up to my full height.

This is gonna hurt a lot...

"Come on mutt." I taunted the little doggy.

It opened its snout and howled at me while spreading its legs up. Gripping onto the grassy garden floors, it rushed at me with incredible speeds. It lunged at me but I jumped out of the way and rolled out as it went for another attack. I jumped up as it growled and went for another bite. But this time, I was prepared.

It clearly lunged for my jugular, but I blocked it from biting into my vital, delicate neck. A direct bite there, or in a vital area would be fatal considering how powerful the bite force of a wolf is. 400 pounds her square inch is enough force to crush bone. Mine are more resistant but that doesn't change the fact that a wolf could still crunch through my bone with ease. One bite to my neck and I'm dead.

However, it's attack never reached my neck. Instead, I lifted my left hand right in front of it to defend my neck and it but down on my arm. My face scrunched up as blood dripped out of my left hand. The pain was excruciating. The wolf's large canine teeth had dug into the flesh of my forearm, but that was it. It bit down aggressively onto my left arm, ripping through my flesh and probably snapping my bone.

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