Ch-8 Class D

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Akihiko's POV

The raven haired girl stared down at Kiyone, waiting for an answer to her questions. Kiyone was quiet, not knowing what to say.

"Pardon ?"

The girl sighed while looking at her. "You were staring at me. I want to know why ?"

From her posture alone, and the feeling she's giving out, it's safe to assume that this is a woman who thinks quite highly of herself. Her voice was sharp and assertive.

From her height, figure and her appearance, it's safe to say that she's a first year. But then again, that much is obvious since she was on the bus with us.

"Sorry. I guess I was just interested is all. I mean, you didn't seem to be interested in giving up your seat to the old woman." Kiyone spoke, making me sigh. It seems that I'll need to carry the conversation on her behalf.

"That's right. I didn't consider giving it up. Is there something wrong with that ?" She raised an eyebrow, questioning what Kiyone was talking about.

"Oh no, not at all. I just thought we shared the same opinion, as I also didn't want to give up my seat." I noticed that girl staring at Kiyone with am amused expression.

"And why is that ? Because you wanted to spend time sitting next to your boyfriend ?" It seems that she saw Kiyone sleeping on my shoulder and assumed that we were dating.

"She's not my girlfriend/He's not my boyfriend." We both denied.

I sighed and took charge of the situation. "I apologise on behalf of my partner in case she made you feel uncomfortable. If you can't tell, she's a socially awkward person."

My words made Kiyone look at me but I gestured her to let me handle it. "She was interested in book."

She looked at the book in her hand and back at us. "This book ?"

"Yes, that one. You see, we both come from the same school and I remember Kiyone showing me this book she liked. The same one as that. It's a book based on rationality that only elites could understand. So she simply assumed that you were an intelligent person who liked reading just like she does." I noticed her sharp glare falter as I spoke more.

That is another observation. She likes to be complimented.

"Yes, that's right. I really liked that book and I've read it several times before. So I thought you and I shared the same views is all..." Kiyone played along with my approach, trusting me to take charge due to her inexperience.

"I-Is that so...?"

"Yes. There are three volumes to the book if I'm not wrong. Some parts of it are complicated and only smart people can understand that. So from that analysis, I believe you are an intelligent individual with decent potential." I complimented her again and her glare completely broke apart and her eyes turned bashful. Almost like she's never been complemented in such ways before.

The girl quickly cleared her throat and corrected her posture, regaining her assertive posture yet again. "I wouldn't really say that about myself. I will admit, I'm definitely above average in intelligence. But I'm simply interested in such novels. They really nice to read."

"I share that sentiment. Crime and Punishment really tests the limits of human morals while also providing an interesting setting to analyse." Kiyone looked back at her.

"You like to read right ? Is it alright if I suggest some books for you ?" She offered.

"I would not mind, as long as it's interesting and not one I've already read. Though, now isn't the time for it. I should be making my way over now." She said and started to walk ahead of us, going towards I assume the entrance ceremony.

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