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Kiana twists the door handle, finding it firmly locked in place. A short sigh escapes her mouth.


She turned her gaze over to the small window frame, its height far too high for her to reach, the glass barely wide enough to reflect the light blue sky through it.

Breaking the window was a no go for her.

The Kaslana exhales another short breath, before pressing her back against the cold wooden frame. She slowly slumps down to the floor as her eyes lazily close shut.

Her neck nudges itself ever so slightly as she throws her head forward, before lightly banging it against the wooden frame. Each one echoes a dull thud back to her ears.

She could try breaking the door down.

Her strength hasn't fully recovered, so the likelihood of her being able to pull that off is quite low, but not completely impossible. With enough tries, she was sure the door would eventually budge.

That wasn't the problem here. The problem was what came after that.

If she was careful enough to lock this one, there's no doubt every possible exit is locked as well. Even if she escaped from this room, would she have enough strength to get past the rest?

That isn't counting the fact that she was on a time limit. Judging from how bright the outside looked through the window, it was likely close to the afternoon now. At best, she only had a few more hours.

Would that be enough time?

She mulled, before casting her cold, blue eyes downwards; those irises now dulled with reluctant certainty.

She wouldn't. That was Kiana's answer.

Not when she is around.

Raiden Mei. Her captor. The source of the predicament she is now trapped in.

One she considers to be a complete enigma.

Kiana couldn't understand her. She can't even begin to guess what that woman might even be thinking in any situation. Her goals or motives are an utter mystery to the white-haired girl.


She did know, she had asked for an answer after all. But she had wished she never did.

"Because I love you."

Her mind lingers on that memory, for once not pushing it down further into the darkest depths of her mind. Another thought flickered into her consciousness, one she immediately tried to squat away, but proved to be useless.

How could she when she had now seen all of it first hand?

That Mei was literal in her answer.

The unnerving gentleness she would display. The horrifying smiles she would frequently give; grins so wide that it seemed to etch into her very skin.

The softness of her hands as it glides itself against Kiana's skin. The soothing tone of her voice, one barred from ill intentions or guilt, only genuine comfort and kindness.

The pain and anguish flashing through her indigo irises before being replaced with overwhelming relief followed with a tight embrace.

These contrasting memories collide within her mind, each one trying to reign control over the other. Everytime she thought one side would win, the other immediately pulled her back.

In a way, it was fitting for that woman. An enigma that Kiana cannot decipher nor understand in any way; always flopping between one extreme to one another.

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