Unrestraint Temptation

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Darkness, that was all that she could see.

Cold, it was all that she could feel.

Her chest clenched as she let out a breath.

She moved her hands. Something was restricting them. Same as her legs.

She couldn't quite recall what had happened, her mind still hazy. She slowly opened her eyes, letting a dim light enter her vision. Yet, even when her vision was blurry, something felt odd.

The room was smaller than she had remembered. The walls bear a different color, with none of the familiar furniture that she had grown used to seeing every morning. But the most telling was her bed, or rather, the lack of it. She was laying firmly on the ground, and with that, she reached a conclusion.

This wasn't her room.

Her mind fully awake by this revelation, her body jolted upwards. She took in her surroundings with her eyes wide open this time, scanning for any possible clue to tell her where she was. She clocked her head to the right, then to the left, they both were the same texture. She looked back seeing a wall facing her, no windows on any of it. Then she turned back straight, and it was then that she finally noticed...her.

Her body immediately tenses up. She can feel every single hair on her skin beginning to raise upwards, as a sickening chill ran down her spine. What she was looking at was something that came straight out of a horror movie.

There a woman sat, her posture straight and her legs tucked neatly below her. There were no sudden movements or perhaps, lack of any movement. She was perfectly still, a visible smile etched onto her face.

"Good morning, Kiana-chan." The woman spoke, her voice hauntingly cheery in tone. Kiana kept her mouth shut as she kept her gaze on Mei.

"Did you have a good sleep? I hope the cold didn't bother you too much, it is getting a bit colder these days." Mei tilted her head to the side. "Also, I hope you can forgive my rather rash actions last night. I had no ill intentions to hurt you in any way, so I really didn't know what had gotten over me. I pray that we can still-"



"Why are you doing this?" Kiana spoke, suppressing the intense fear that threatened to invade her every word.

This wasn't the first time she had asked this. Kiana's memory skuttered, bringing back a piece of memory not too long ago. It was about the same thing that she had asked here. So there were really not many reasons she was asking it again, she knew that.

But despite knowing the answer, she couldn't bring herself to acknowledge it. She needed to hear the answer again. To confirm that what she had heard was the truth.

The woman gazed at her for a moment, tilting her head slightly. She seemed almost confused by that question, but regardless, she regained her composure, her smile returning once more.

"You don't have to go such a roundabout way of asking me you know? I can say it to you as many times as you like."

"...Why..." Kiana said, though it came out more of a whisper. She clenched her hand, anticipating the answer, silently begging for it to not be what she was thinking.

"It's simple. It's because..."


"...I love you, my Kiana-chan~"


No words left Kiana's mouth, as she blankly stared at the woman. She waited, hoping for the silence to be broken. She waited for the woman to suddenly laugh and told her that it was just a joke. That it was to mess with her. Kiana so desperately wanted it to be a joke.

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