Believing in Another's Warmth

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"Over there, Chief wants to speak to you in private." An officer called out to Durandal, gesturing behind them.

Durandal nods, spearing away from the noisy crowd behind her and towards a quieter part of the neighborhood. Street lights lit up the road as she walked, reaching a narrow alleyway situated neatly between two buildings.

Her eyes gaze far into the dark alley, finding it difficult to discern anything. Eventually though, she notices a slight shift at the very edge of the path, identifying it as a human figure.

She instinctively straightens her back as her voice echoes through the dark.

"Chief Inspector."

A few seconds passed by without a response, before the figure began to shift ever so slightly.


Their voice hoarse with a deep tone to it, evidently coming from that of a man.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Durandal asked.

"You were the first person at the scene, is that correct?"

"Correct sir."

"Give me a report then."

Durandal nods, reaching into her side pocket as she takes out a small notebook. She swiftly flips through its content, finding the correct page as she voiced.

"Around 5 p.m, I was surveying this neighborhood before noticing a group of people gathering around a convenience store. When I went to check, I saw someone lying on the floor bleeding inside the building. It was already too late by the time I entered the store."

"Cause of death?"

"Judging from the two visible holes at either side of the victim's head and a small handgun held in their hand, most likely gunshot wounds."

Silence filled the atmosphere once more as neither spoke another word. Durandal observes as the Chief slowly pushes himself off the wall he was leaning on.

"Get the team to do an autopsy with the body, but this is likely to be a suicide."

"That is one possible conclusion, sir."

"Hmm?" He hummed, slight surprise evident from his tone.

"We only have surface evidence as of right now, so we can't confirm anything for sure. There's still a few odd details at the crime scene."

"Is that so? What would those things be?"

"I noticed faint smears near the edges of the blood, however I couldn't find any objects nearby that had blood marks on them."


The man voiced, his figure shifting again in the darkness. He seemed to have pulled some kind of box from his pocket as he fiddled with it.

"There's also the fact that this happened at an odd location. If the cause truly was that of suicide, then why would the victim commit such an act in a public store instead of his own house? Either the decision to end their life came very sudden, or something else might have happene-"


Sparks flew across the man's face, a bright fire then proceeded to light up his face. Holding a cigarette in his mouth, he lit up the tip as he took a deep long whiff. He then lets out a gulp of smoke from his nostrils and mouth, turning his head to the side to quietly observe Durandal, whose sentence was cut short by his lighter.

"I understand that you want to be conclusive, but don't you think you might be overthinking it a little?"

"What do you mean by that sir?"

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