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"Do you have anything planned for this weekend, Kiana?"


She turned towards the source of the voice, seeing no one there. Confused, she turned her gaze downwards, spotting someone awfully close to her. She then quickly backed away in surprise.

The figure in question still stood in place, confusion spreading across her face.

"" They continued to ask.

"...Sorry, I haven't figured it out yet." Kiana says, her voice reluctant in tone.

Her answer didn't satisfy the person, as annoyance crept up onto their face.

"Again? You're not going to lay in your house again now?" The femine voice tiredly says, puffing a sigh.

"I-I'm not ok? Really, I won't!"

"That's what you said last time. I tried calling you, but I guess you were too busy gaming all night to even notice."

"That'" She rubbed her head, unable to come up with a refute. She really didn't intend to stay up for so long, but when she went to properly close her curtains, she realized the day was already bright!

But admitting that would probably anger her more, instead she just diverted her eyes away, praying that the awkward tension would pass. Besides, Liliya may be harsh and direct with her words, but she forgives quite fast so long as you don't push her too hard.

Right on cue, the blue-haired girl closed her eyes in annoyance, and uttered.

"Really, you keep being like this, and soon you're gonna run out of friends to play. It's a miracle that you still have any, you know?"

"I-I know, but you don't have to stab me where it hurts."

"If you are hurt by it, then why not do something about it? Hiding away in your room is the last thing you should be doing."

"Ugh! You're right. I get it, alright?" She tugged on her shirt, her expression heartbroken.

Like many times, Liliya's words hit their mark. She never held back her thoughts, and while a lot of it may come out as overly uncaring of others feelings, Kiana knew better. It was simply her own way of helping others, by pointing out exactly their flaws.

....Though now that I thought about it, Liliya has only ever been like this to me...

Kiana wanted to change for the better. Of course she did, why wouldn't she? Not only would it stop the girl from nagging her every day, her life would just be easier. It wasn't exactly difficult either, she hasn't always been a shut-in like she is now, so she at least understands common sense in conversations.

So why isn't she?

As she pondered, different thoughts flowed through her mind.

Her parents, whose job left them unable to properly take care of her as much as they could, always away and always busy.

Her eldest sister, Sirin, had already moved away from their home for a long time now, and would only ever come back during special occasions. Though the times that she did have been getting steadily shortened, till the point that she couldn't recall the last time they ever spoke directly to each other.

Her second oldest, Bianka, was the only one that she was closest to. Despite moving away as well, the two still kept in contact, and she would still occasionally go out with her. Yet, despite that, she never seemed to truly connect with her sister, in spite of her desire to. She always felt like someone held the two apart, but what that could be she could never figure out, nor did she want to ponder about too much. She didn't want to sour the times Bianka went out of her way to talk to her.

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