Chapter 20

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George's POV 

I was pushed to my room - or Wilbur's room - by Oliver and told that I was supposed to get dressed. ' Now he is the dad? wow~ ' I thought and shook my head before getting dressed. I got some clothes from the suitcase and then went to the bathroom to get dressed.

When I was done I went down stairs and noticed that they were already outside in the car so I walked out quickly and went inside the car. " ready? " Will said and I nodded " yup! " Oliver followed " let's go! " Will shouted and we drove to the daycare.

As we reached the daycare we parked and got out of the car. " Oliver, remember that you will have a sleepover and we will pick you up tomorrow afternoon ok? " I said and he nodded and jumped. " Someone seems a little too excited " Will said and held the other hand of Oliver.

We walked inside the daycare and Oliver let go of my hand and Will's then Oliver ran to his friends. " You're the father of Oliver right? sorry I don't really have a good memory " the girl, receptionist said and I nodded while still looking at Oliver playing with his friends.

" ok.. you're all set and remember to pick him up tomorrow at 5pm " she smiled " will do.. see you tomorrow " I smiled and Will held my hand then we both left. " George? " Will called me and I just hummed as a response " why are you so quiet? you're never like this " he said and we both went inside the car.

" uh.. ok, fine.. I'll tell you.. " I paused and told him the whole story from last night. " oh.. George.. " he pulled me into a hug and I started crying " sh.. it's ok.. you'll get that chance soon you just wait " I felt him smile and I wiped my tears. 

" let's go home " he broke the hug and I nodded. When we reached home we got out of the car and went to the living room where the others were. " Where were you guys? " Bad asked tilting his head to the side " we just dropped Oliver in daycare since he will have a sleepover there " Will answered for me and let me sit down.

" ah ok " Bad said and continued to watch the movie. The movie seemed nice at first but it got boring for me. It wasn't about romance, only fighting and fighting. I'm not that kind of person but I just don't like this movie. so I stood up and walked to my room - or Wilbur's room - .

I decided to play a game on my phone, sleep, or just scroll through Tiktok or Twitter. ' I could text.. Asher! ' I shouted in my head and opened my phone and started texting Asher. 

✨my dumbass✨

 helo - Georgina

✨my dumbass✨ - HIII!! what do you need? 

I just feel bored- _ - - Georgina

✨my dumbass✨ - why don't you play with Oliver? 

he is in a daycare going to have a sleepover - Georgina

✨my dumbass✨ - Ah ok, why don't we go out? I'm free right now but I have dance practice later though 

could I come to your dance practice? I could do anything right now-  - Georgina

✨my dumbass✨ - yea sure! just meet me at ***** park in an hour 

yeah sure :) see you later! bye! <33 - Georgina

✨my dumbass✨ - yeah, see you later! <33

An hour later I stood up from bed and opened my suitcase then picked some clothes. I walked to the bathroom with my clothes and got changed into it. I looked at the mirror and I was wearing a white plain T-shirt, gray sweats, white shoes, and a white bucket hat with a smile on it. 

I sighed since I didn't want to dress up nicely because I was just going to a dance practice that's all. I walked out of the bathroom, grabbed my phone from the bed and then left the room. As I left the room I walked to the living to tell them I would be out for a few hours. " guys I'll be going out for a while, about 4 hours? '' I said while fixing myself.

" Where are you going? " Dream asked and everyone giggled then I saw Fundy rolled his eyes " just somewhere.. Ok bye! " I said as I walked out I heard ' bye!/ have fun/ come back at 7 pm for the drinks! ' and I just thumbs up while leaving.

I walked to the park for about 10 minutes while listening to music and it was the best feeling ever. As I reached the park I looked around for Asher and I saw him on the swings texting someone. " Asher! " I shouted and he looked up " George!! " he shouted, stood up from the swing and then ran to hug me.

As we ran he pulled me into a big hug " I miss you too " I smiled while hugging him back. " Let's go, we will be late " he broke the hug and pulled me by the hand. While we walked it was nice holding hands with best friends, no one there to bother us and yeah.. it was nice.

We entered a building and went to the 4th floor. When we reached that floor it was all glass like sound proof glass but I could hear some of the songs but lightly. " wow.. " I said as I looked around " cool right? " he laughed softly and I nodded.

We entered one of the glass studios and everyone was staring at me. " uh.. this is George! my friend and he just wanted to visit " Asher smiled at the people in front of us and I did as well but awkwardly. we went to a corner and he said I could stay here then I just nodded. 

~.. 6:30 ..~

" woo!! " I shouted and clapped my hands " thank you " Asher said and I rolled my eyes " you did great! " I wanted to hug him but he was all sweaty. " shouldn't you get going? it's already 6:30 " he said and I looked at my phone and missed a phone call and a text from Will and Bad " I should.. ok! I'll see you next time, bye!! " I said as I walked away while waving my hand. 

" bye! " I heard what him say when I left the room. I went on the elevator and went down. I walked home and it was just 6:50. I rang the doorbell and Will opened the door " there you are! go get dressed, we'll go now! " he shouted and I nodded.

When I was done getting dressed I went back down stairs and they saw me wearing light brown sweatshirt, brown jeans, white shoes, and a brown bucket hat with white stripes on the sides. " Let's go! " I shouted and everyone left the house then went inside the car.

When we reached the bar, we parked, then got out of the car. " oh no.. '' I said since I was right outside the bar.. 


YUHH!! finally!! I'm on the chapterrr... I am so excited for next chapter because maybe something will be spicyyyyyy!!! ok see you next week! BYEEEEE!! <333333 :>     

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