Chapter 22

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George's POV

I spotted clothes on the coffee table so I got it and changed it slowly under the bed since I didn't want to wake Dream. ' ok, so.. get up, shower, and don't mind the pain! plus how hard can it be ' I thought and scoffed since I thought it won't be that hard.

I stood up from bed when it hit. " ow.. what the fuck? damn, this is going to be a long day.. " I said to myself and went to Dreams bathroom while limping. ' You know what I'll shower in Will's room ' I thought and walked out of the room then went to Will's room.

I went inside Will's room and noticed he was laying in bed alone. " huh? " I said since I thought he would be with Quackity " George..? " he said and he sat up " uh.. hi " I put on a small smile " why aren't you with Dream? " he rubbed his eyes and I shook my head.

" nope, I don't wanna be with him- plus he has a boyfriend that's cheating and I feel bad for Fundy since he is my friend " I sat on the bed " but.. Fundy did it first " he yawned and I raised my eyebrows then he sighed " just give me your phone " he reached out his hand and I groaned " nope, I don't have it- I left it on the coffee table in Dreams room " I rolled my eyes.

" then why don't you get it? " he raised his eyebrows and I sighed " well.. maybe since I have back pain, very bad headache, and my ass hurts " I laid down on the bed " oh my god George.. this is your first time isn't it? " he asked and I nodded " then why don't you stay with him? " he asked again.

" since we are exes and it would be awkward " I sighed " well.. maybe he would forgive you and you two would date again with Oliver " he laid down next to me " b-but he has- " Will cuts me off " Fundy isn't in this house anymore, George.. he is in someone else's house " Will sighed and turned facing the ceiling.

" Wait, what? " I said and he nodded not turning away from the ceiling " so.. go to Dream! " he chuckled " I can't walk " I smiled and he sighed. He stood up from bed and picked me up " ah! " I said since he kind of dragged me so that he could pick me up. He carried me to Dream's room and laid me down slowly. " thank you.. " I said quietly and he takes my phone then walks back to me.

" open " he told me and I opened my phone. He looked through it and showed me a photo of Fundy with another guy then I just nodded. He gave me my phone and left. Before he left he took a quick look before smiling then closing the door.

I sighed and then opened my phone then started scrolling through tiktok or twitter.  

3rd person POV 

Dream and George are laying on the bed and then Dream hugs him then notices that 'fundy' was much thinner and much more easy to cuddle so he opened his eyes and saw George smiling awkwardly so he jumped up and noticed that he was shirtless. And his back hurt like someone scratched it. He asked what George was doing on his bed and George said that they did it when they were drunk.. And that was all he remembered. 

Dream asked where fundy was and George showed him the photo then Dream just didn't know what to do he just stayed sitting up and didn't even remember the pain on his back. George sits up and hugs Dream then Dream just didn't care anymore and hugged back. 

George said he is sorry for fundy and not telling him about Oliver and his sister then Dream just said it's ok he understands since it was a hard time before. George's phone started ringing and he broke the hug to answer the phone and noticed it was his sister? 

He answered and heard her sister then she sounded heartbroken? She said she had to talk and George hummed and told the story about her and her boyfriend named Fundy?! George was shocked and then put it on speaker to let Dream hear it as well. 

 " me and my boyfriend aka fundy were hanging out in my bedroom and then he suggested if we could take it another level and I said sure since I trusted him with all of my heart but.. It turned out he made me pregnant and left me in the dust.. I didn't want to tell you since you were dealing with enough like with your boyfriend, your vids, your stream, and yeah.. But I got my gut to tell you now.. I told mom to take care of my son- " George cut her off by saying Oliver and she wondered how he knew about her son she asked how he knew about Oliver 

George said " well.. Mom came all the way here to florida so that I could help her but she didn't mention about you and your 'boyfriend' or tell me a story so I told her that I could take care of Oliver so that she could rest at home she said sure and she went back to the UK " I stayed silent she asked if George's boyfriend was helping but George just said no she asked why he answered they broke up since his boyfriend thought he was cheating with another.

 He answered that he didn't want to blackmail you so he stayed quiet until he was ready. She got it and asked a couple of more questions before George could. After a while George told her that he knew Fundy she was shocked and asked if he was there right now George said no and then told her that he was the boyfriend of his ex and now cheating with another boy since they went to a club and that he and his ex did it last night.. 

She was so shocked by the situation so she asked if George was ok and George said he was fine since he and his ex or boyfriend were cuddling on the bed. She said oh~ and then said she had to go since she had to go to work George said ok and then said their byes then hung up. damn George wanted to kill Fundy so bad.. but let him ask some questions first.


Helloooo!! and yes, your mum added a bit of drama for today <33 sorry that I changed the POV but it suited with ittt!! sorry again if it confusing-  ok see you in the next chapter! bye!!! <333

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