Part 2: A Misty Memory

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Kurumi clone: *enters there shadow realm after yuto defeated the ast*

Kurumi: please tell me what happened

Kurumi clone: its hard to tell

Kurumi: just say it please

Kurumi clone: it was a male spirit

Kurumi: thats interesting

Kurumi clone: he made a massive ice block and froze the ast with in seconds

Kurumi: he can be useful

Yuto: *wakes up the next day, he had fallen asleep on the couch after shido and the girls got also to bed he notices he isnt alone as he sits up he notices nia* morning *he yawns with his hand infront of his mouth*

Reine: good morning, i was assigned to watch you to find more out about you

Yuto: i see

Reine: would you ok with being asked questions

Yuto: sure i guess *he is emotionless*

Reine: now what is your name

Yuto: Yuto

Reine: do you remember your last name

Yuto: no

Reine: i see, you seemed to be very protective about your sister

Yuto: because she is the only one i can see as family

Reine: you know she might not be alive anymore

Yuto: *eyes widen* ho-how long was i dead

Reine: do you remember with with wich age you died

Yuto: se-seven teen

Reine: i see your now 47 years old

Yuto: *eyes widen more* th-thirty years...

Reine: yes

Yuto: may i ask a question

Reine: yes sure

Yuto: why does your voice sound so familiar

Reine: i wouldnt know

Yuto: phantom...

Reine: who is phantom

Yuto: stop playing dumb

Reine: fine

Yuto: what makes you think i wouldnt just kill you *makes a katana appear in his hand and holds it against reine's neck*

Reine: Yuto please calm down

Yuto: im supossed to be dead and everyone i once loved might be dead or forgot about me and IT ALL YOUR FAULT!!! I RATHER STAY DEAD THAN PLAYING YOUR STUPID GAMES!!

Reine: yuto your sister is alive

Yuto: if you lie i will come back and kill you *dissapears into his shadow realm*

Reine: *sighs*

Yuto: *appears on a sky scraper and looks down on the city*

Nia: *walking down the street and notices a spirit nearby and looks up the sky scarper and locates the energy coming from the roof so she walks up there*

Muku: *stand infront of the door to the roof*

Nia: you also noticed these aura muku-chin

Muku: mhm muku did

Nia: ok lets go out there

Muku: *nods*

Muku and nia: *walk out on the roof, seeing yuto*

Yuto: *hugging his knees, not noticing the two woman behind him* "fuck where are you sister" *he thinks about old times easier times where he and his sister where just kids and played around or watched a movie but the face of his sister is in his memories blurred out* "who even are you sister"

Muku: *taps his shoulder* muku is wondering if you are ok ?

Yuto: *looks at them, not saying anything*

Nia: can i ask a question ?

Yuto: *nods in respond*

Nia: are you also a spirit ?

Yuto: *nods again*

Muku: muku wondering if you meet shido already

Yuto: *nods again*

Nia: whats wrong *sits next to him*

Muku: *sits on the otherside of him*

Yuto: *says quietly* everything

Nia: *pats yuto gently*

Yuto: *flinches*

Nia: i wont hurt you and muku-chin also wont hurt you

Muku: only if you hurt shido

Yuto: why are you two so nice to me...

Nia: we want to comfort you, you seem like you had a bad past you seem quite depressed actaully

Yuto: is it that obvious

Muku: muku has to say it is im sorry

Yuto: *shakes his head* is fine not you two's fault...

Nia: can i ask you a question

Yuto: go on

Nia: what happened that you ended up like these

Yuto: people... Woman to be Special... except my sister

Nia: am i right when i assume that you dont like being around woman

Yuto: *nods*

Nia: i promise we wont hurt you

Yuto: i will trust you two...

Nia: good

Muku: may muku ask now a question

Yuto: su-sure

Muku: muku wanna know who your sister is

Yuto: i dont remember her name or face but i know that she was my sister...

Nia: *hugs him* im so sorry

Muku: muku also feels sorry for you *also hugs him*

Yuto: pl-please do-dont there is n-no need to feel sorry for me

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