Part 13: cats

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Yuto: *wakes up the next morning and looks around and all he sees is three people sleeping around him, he kisses each of them on the foreheads then dissapears into the shadows to re appear in the kitchen* good morning natsumi

Natsumi: morning

Yuto: do you want anything?

Natsumi: no thanks

Yuto: ok *he starts boiling water in the Kettle as he waits for the water to be done he already finished the other oarts for the tea*

Natsumi: can i ask you something?

Yuto: of course

Natsumi: did you meant the words you told me yesterday ? About you treating me like a real lover ?

Yuto: of course i meant those words, and i have no reason to lie to you

Natsumi: i guess you really dont

Yuto: i may be slightly manipulative but atleast i show the people i like that i do like them

Natsumi: can i ask how are you being manipulative ?

Yuto: i can make people not fight with each other or do fight with each other just depends on the people

Natsumi: sounds interesting

Yuto: but to make it clear i dont try to manipulate you in your decision *he takes the kettle after the water finished boiling and lets the water flow into the cup*

Natsumi: i see...

Yuto: Something wrong ?

Natsumi: no just thinking

Yuto: i see *he starts to drink the tea*

Natsumi: did you ever thought about a choice you made and regret it ?

Yuto: *places the cup down* multiple but you really should learn out of your mistakes thats what life is about

Natsumi: oh... I will try that

Yuto: and if you ever need help by doing so i am here for you

Natsumi: thank you

Yuto: no problem

Natsumi: *blushes lightly after noticing that his chest looks through the slightly open kimono*

Yuto: something wrong ?

Natsumi: n-no

Yuto: *he chuckles softly then finishes his tea*

Natsumi: *she looks away*

Yuto: kurumi told me about you yesterday evening, she said that you have also an afult form ?

Natsumi: yes i do

Yuto: can you show me ?

Natsumi: uh sure *turns into adult form*

Yuto: oh wow *blushes bery slightly*

Natsumi: *turns back because she cant hold these form long*

Yuto: i see you cant hold the form long how come ?

Natsumi: my powers are sealed thats why

Yuto: may i ask why you allowed your powers to be sealed

Natsumi: so that i dont go inverse

Yuto: but beside that ?

Natsumi: i dont know to be honest maybe because i love the person who sealed my powers

Yuto: i see but yet i feel like you doubt your own feelings

Natsumi: please stop reading my mind

Yuto: actaully i do have powers like that but to use them i need to use a knive on you soo im pretty much just guessing

Natsumi: oh

Yuto: yea anyways

Natsumi: yes ?

Yuto: anything i can do for you ?

Natsumi: not that i can think about it

Yuto: *sits down next to her* are you sure ?

Natsumi: ye-yes

Yuto: are you really sure~?

Natsumi: n-no *blushes much becaus of the suductive tone he used*

Yuto: tell me~ how can i help you~

Natsumi: b-by ma-making me your lo-lover

Yuto: sure thing~ *wrapes an arm around her and kisses her cheek*

Natsumi: *smiles*

Yuto: your are mine now and i will give you all the affection and attention you want along with the others

Natsumi: th-thank you yu-yuto

*An half hour later miku, queen and kurumi woke up and natsumi told them ehat yuto did, another half hour later natsumi gets cuddles by the three girls in the livingroom*

Yuto: *was outside and just came back inside* you all remind me on cats *he smiles like he has an idea*

Girls: *concerned bc of his smile*

Yuto: how about i make you four able to turn to cats and give you cat ears and tails wich you can also hide as you want too~?

Girls: please do

Yuto: *stabs himself with a knive in the arm and sacrificed his blood to make it come true*

Girls: meow meow meow

Yuto: *smiles softly*

Girls: meow meow meow

Yuto: you do know you can also talk in a normal way right ?

Kurumi: yes but it just feel right that why

Queen, natsumi and miku: *nod in agreement*

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