Part 18: mizumi

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Yuto: *walking around miku's home*

Kurumi: *wakes up in the night, she walks out of the room then finds yuto walking from one side of the living room to the other* a-are you ok ?

Yuto: i-i dont know

Kurumi: whats wrong ?

Yuto: a lot...

Kurumi: want to talk about it ?

Yuto: yes actually... *Sits down on the couch*

Kurumi: *sits on his lap* so what is bothering you *looks up at him*

Yuto: do you remember why you meet sawa ?

Kurumi: because you brome to her

Yuto: yes but who did i visit these day ?

Kurumi: mizumi...

Yuto: mhm

Kurumi: you miss her dont you ?

Yuto: i do... After All she was my best friend...

Kurumi: i remember but...

Yuto: but ?

Kurumi: did you loved her when we where alive ?

Yuto: i did...

*After kurumi woke up and walked out sawa followed her, she stayed at the door*

Sawa: "i never knew he loved her...i dont even know what happened to her...i feel so awful" *walks back to bed and leans into miku trying not to cry*

Kurumi: im sorry...

Yuto: the worst part is I never got to tell her...

Kurumi: im sorry

Yuto: *leans into kurumi*

Kurumi: *hugs him tightly* im very sorry for that...

Yuto: i wonder what happened to her...

Kurumi: me too...

Yuto: honestly im scared to learn what might happened to her after we three died...

Kurumi: i am too

Yuto: im scared what we would find if we go to sawa's house...

Kurumi: me too..

Yuto: *holds tight onto kurumi and passes out*

Kurumi: "atleast he is asleep" *cuddles into him and slowly falls asleep*

*On the next day kurumi and yuto tell sawa/queen what happened the last night*

Sawa: *sighs softly* i see... Honestly i knew part of it... After kurumi woke up i did too and followed her...and i went to bed after yuto said about loving mizumi...

Yuto: im sorry...

Sawa: is fine...

Yuto: should we look for her ? Or ?

Sawa: it would be the best thing to do i suppose

Kurumi: i agree

Yuto: okay

Kurumi: so should we start in sawa's home or ?

Yuto: i think we should

Sawa: yes

Miku: i want to join

Yuto, kurumi and queen: ok

*They go outside and walk around the city, they go into into the street sawa once lived*

Kurumi: it feels so wierd to be here again...

Sawa: yes

Yuto: its more than wierd...

Miku: i wonder why we are even here but i wnated to go outside

Yuto: im sorry

Miku: eh is fine

Kurumi: ok then

*They walk to the house and it looks slightly abandoned*

Sawa: im nit feeling that good honestly...

Yuto: i know how you feel...

Kurumi: i agree sawa

Miku: should we go inside or ?

Kurumi: sawa ?

Sawa: yes...yes we should

*They slowly go inside the house and start to look around*

Sawa: so many memories...

Yuto: agreed...

Kurumi: *hugs sawa*

Sawa: *hugs back*

Yuto: *looks around and seems sad*

Miku: *hugs yuto* are you ok ?

Yuto: i-i am...

Miku: thats good

Yuto: mhm

*They hear wood cracking as someone walks inside*

*A women walked inside the home and ask in a confused voice* who are you people and why are you here ?

Sawa: im sorry i used to live here...

*The women goes closer and steps into the light and reveals herself*

*The women goes closer and steps into the light and reveals herself*

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Sawa: mi-mizumi is that really you?

Mizumi: how do you know my name ?

Sawa: i-its me sa-sawa

Mizumi: but you died and you look so different...wait is that again a hallucination

Kurumi: no its not, look at me it is me kurumi

Mizumi: ku-kurumi *hugs kurumi and sawa*

Yuto: *tears drop down his face as he sees mizumi* mizumi...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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