Part 12: a love life

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Yuto: *he is walking around the city as the others follow him but these time wear clothes again* what to do today

Kurumi: like i have a idea

Queen and miku: have to agree with kurumi

Yuto: atleast its a nice day right ?

Queen: yea no its literally raining *holding an unberella over herself and miku*

Kurumi: he is gothic remmeber ? *Also holding a umberella*

Queen: now i do

Kurumi: ok now why dont you have a umberella aswell yuto ?

Miku: *spotes a Green haired women on a bench without a umberella* oh look over there *points at the girl*

Queen and yuto: *look over* who is she ?

Kurumi: Natsumi Kyouno, a spirit like us well except she is known as the witch and she is able to bend when only slightly, she is a nice person so far what i saw about her

Miku: how do you know that all?

Kurumi: i did my research silly

Miku: why am i not suprised

Kurumi: i dont know *smiles softly*

Yuto: kurumi ?

Kurumi: yes ?

Yuto: how high are the chances that shido will look for her ?

Kurumi: very high why ?

Yuto: just wondering anyways lets help her shall we ?

Miku: yes please

Kurumi: sure

Queen: i dont mind

Yuto: *walks over to the witch lolita and knees down infront of her to make eye contact* hey do you want a warm place to go to so that you will be out of the rain ?

Natsumi: *looks up and sees them* ye-yes please

Miku: *smiles at her and holds out her hand*

Yuto: *gets up and makes space for her to stand up*

Natsumi: *takes miku's hand to stand up then hugs her*

Miku: you missed me didnt you

Natsumi: mhm

Miku: *smiles softly and pats her*

Natsumi: why did you leaved

Miku: is hard to explain but if yous tay with me i wont leave again

Natsumi: ok also who are these two girls

Kurumi: *tries not to laugh*

Yuto: *smiles softly but has a creepy tone on* im not a women

Natsumi: oh

Queen: yuto dont you dare attacking her

Yuto: im controlling myself already

Kurumi: you surely need a hair cut thought

Yuto: tell me something i dont know

Kurumi: ok, your addicted to sugar and alchohol

Yuto: im not addicted

Queen: you are

Miku: cant say anything to these

Natsumi: me neither

Kurumi: your addicted since your Fourthteen

Yuto: i certainly dont have any memories

Kurumi: doesn't mean you aint addicted

Queen: lets not fight about it

Kurumi and yuto: later then

Queen: *sighs* let go home ok ?

Yuto: sure *teleports them all into miku's livingroom*

Miku: im still not used to teleporting *falls backwards on the couch*

Natsumi: *sits down next to miku and pats her*

Yuto: anyways can one of you cut my hair ?

Queen: i can try

Yuto: thanks

Queen: come with me then *walks into the bathroom*

Yuto: *follows*

Queen: *makes a chair appear*

Yuto: *sits down*

Queen: *makes her sword appear*

Yuto: use your sword and i tie you to a wall

Queen: *makes it dissapear*

Yuto: *gives her one of his knives*

Queen: *takes it and uses it to cut his hair*


Kurumi: so natsumi what made you miss miku ?

Natsumi: well she used too touch me and it felt good now that she was gone and nobody gave me these feeling i became sad and started missing her...

Kurumi: oh i see "a cute reason tho"

Miku: *hugs her tightly* stay with us and you wont miss me again

Natsumi: o-ok

Miku: *smiles at her*

Queen: *walks into the livingroom after cleaning with yuto the bathroom*

Kurumi: where is yuto ?

Queen: he is taking a shower now

Kurumi: oh ok

Miku: queen

Queen: yes ?

Miku: i want to keep *holding up natsumi*

Queen: sure

Miku: good

Kurumi: *sits down next to miku and natsumi*

Yuto: *walks in and looks like these*

Queen: *proud of her work*

Kurumi ans miku: *blushing a lot*

Natsumi: oh wow he looks so different with short hair *blushing slightly*

Yuto: thanks i guess

Natsumi: your welcome

Yuto: may i ask you something natsumi-chan ?

Natsumi: just natsumi is ok also ask away

Yuto: *sits down on a chair* tell me do you feel well being with shido ?

Natsumi: i mean i do love him but i kinda do not feel well...

Yuto: treats he you even like a lover ?

Natsumi: wh-what do you mean ?

Yuto: like does he kiss you or hug you or any kind of affection ?

Natsumi: beside saying he wants to save all spirits he doesnt do that kind of things...

Yuto: if you wish too i can treat you like that, i treat queen, kurumi and miku as lovers not as people i just know amd ofcourse you have all the tike you want to think about it

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