Part 9: day after drinking

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*miku and yuto have been passed out outside in each other arms*

Kurumi: *wakes up on the next day and walks down stairs after leaving queen in the bed, she walks into the livingroom and sees them through the window door* thats interesting

Miku: *slowly wakes up and yawns and cuddles more into him than already before she realized what happened and got up*

Kurumi: *looks at her and giggles lightly*

Miku: shu-shut up *looks away, blushing from emberassmant*

Kurumi: make me~

Miku: i- *pouts and looks away*

Yuto: *wakes up and sees miku being shy* kurumi want me to help teasing her~?

Kurumi: oh yes please~

Yuto: ok *stands up and walks to them*

Miku: i- *runs upstairs to queen*

Queen: *wakes up as miku runs inside the room*

Miku: *goes behind queen and hides*

Kurumi and yuto: *follow her and locks the door behind them*

Queen: what is Happening

Miku: they teasing me

Queen: i see

Kurumi: miku~

Yuto: no need to be shy there miku~

Miku: YES! *blushing mess*

Yuto and kurumi: *sit down around queen*

Queen: have fun you two *sits down next to kurumi*

Kurumi: dont you also want too tease~?

Quern: *thinks about it then says* sure why not

Miku: *blushing mess*

Yuto: *kisses her neck*

Kurumi: *kisses the other side of her neck*

Queen: *blushing a lot*

Miku: *moans lightly as they kiss her neck and blushing more*

Queen: *blushing more*

Kurumi and yuto: *keep kissing miku's neck*

Miku: *moans more*

Kurumi: *licks up her neck*

Yuto: *bites her neck*

Miku: *moans louder hides her face in her hands*

Queen: *just blushing a lot while watching*

Yuto: *releases miku's neck*

Miku: *blushing more*

Yuto: *smirks and says in a very teasing tone* how about i make you three obey me~?

All three: *blushing messes*

Yuto: *giggling a lot*

Queen: *looks away* o-only if yo-you pro-promise to lo-love us

Kurumi: ag-agreed

Miku: *hugs her knees and hides face in her knees*

Yuto: ok~ also are you good there miku ?

Miku: ye-yes *sounds very shy*

Yuto: just making sure~

Miku: o-okay

Yuto: so who first~?

Queen and kurumi: *looking at miku*

Miku: i- *breaks lightly*

Kurumi: you could do her first and use it as a thank you for letting us stay~

Yuto: oh your right~

Miku: o-o-ok

Yuto: *slowly takes her clothes off amd kisses her while doing so*

Miku: *kissing back and being very shy*

Yuto: *takes all of her clothes off as he keep kissing her*

Miku: *keeps kissing back*

Yuto: *lays her down and licks her vagina*

Miku: *moans softly as he does, already being a little wet down there*

Yuto: *keeps licking her and slides his tongue inside her and licks her from the inside*

Miku: *moans louder and puts hands on his head*

Yuto: *still licking her*

Miku: *moans louder and pully on his hair lightly*

Queen and kurumi: *make there clothes dissapear and rub each others vagina as they watch*

Yuto: *licks miku even more intensive*

Miku: cl-close ma-master *blushes much harder after realizing what she said*

Yuto: *giggles as he licks much more intensive*

Miku: *cums Hard on his face and pulls on his hair more*

Yuto: *licks her cum off then pins her down and sticks his dick inside her slowly them starts thrusting slowly getting faster, being carefully cause of her anxiety*

Miku: *moans loudly* A-Aaah~

Yuto: *slowly getting harder and faster onto her*

Miku: *moans louder and wrapes arms and legs around him*

Yuto: *keeps getting harder amd faster*

Miku: *moaning louder* har-harder mas-master~

Yuto: *gets even harder and faster onto you*

Miku: *moaning louder ans holds even tighter onto him*

Yuto: *starts hitting her g-point and gets even harder and faster*

Miku: *maoning much more louder*

Yuto: *gets even rougher onto her*

Miku: *maons much louder* Clo-close~!

Yuto: *breaks her g-point and cums inside her hard*

Miku: *cumming at the same time and stays tight around him*

Yuto: *just smirks at her and then licks up her neck*

Miku: *makes shy noises*

Yuto: need more~?

Miku: *lets go and sits next to Queen*

Kurumi and queen: *keeps rubbing each other and maoning loud just to cum at the same time*

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