Part 14: Fox and bunny

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Yuto: if you say so cuties *pats the girls one after one*

Kurumi: yuto i have a question

Yuto: i have an awnser *takes a seat across from them, his kimono opens slightly revealing his chest awaiting kurumi's question*

Kurumi: *blushes at the sight and asks in a rather shy tone* if you want to be part animal part human what animal would you choose

Yuto: *takes a Moment to think about it and says* i would choose fox or more a kitsune

Kurumi: how come you would choose kitsune ?

Yuto: well i could then wrap my tails around all of you, hold you close and tease you~

Natsumi, Miku and queen: *blushing a lot*

Kurumi: i-i see *she blushes softly and think about yuto teasing her and then her blush darkenss*

Yuto: mmmh, why not though *stabs himself and with a kunai, uses his blood as payment for a reality changing cause, he turns into a kitsune*

Girls: *gasps in aw* you look so cute yuto

Yuto: thank you ? *Gets up and walks over to them, wraps his tails around the girls*

Girls: *blushing a lot and hide there faces in his tails*

Yuto: now what would you guys like to do today ?

Queen: how about we tease kurumi all day long~?

Yuto: horny kitten

Miku: but i agree whit queen

Kurumi: why me thought

Yuto: your easy to tease ?

Kurumi: *pouts, looks away and crosses her arms*

Yuto: but seriously what are we going to do today ?

Miku: im not sure *she explains*

Yuto: natsumi do you have any idea ?

Natsumi: well how about we take a walk outside ?

Yuto: that sounds lovely, but we have to hide our new features then

Natsumi: yes

Yuto: ok lets go then *hides his ears and tails*

Girls: *do the same and hide there cat ears and tails*

*They take a long walk throught the park enjoying every second second of that and they, also buying ice cream and just enjoying the skyline in the evening*

Yuto: what a lovely day

Kurumi and natsumi: agreed

Queen and miku: *grabbing kurumi from behind and teasing her*

Yuto: *chuckling softly at the sight and pats natsumi*

Natsumi: *blushes and lanes into yuto's hand, getting comftable*

Yuto: *smiles at natsumi*

*A voice says happily natsumi out loud and someone jumps on natsumi*

Natsumi: oh hello yoshino

Yoshino: *hugging natsumi tightly* i missed you! And i was so worried

Natsumi: im sorry

Yoshino: your not leaving me again

Natsumi: then i will take you with me

Yuto: *chuckling* such a beautiful friendship

Natsumi: *blushes a bit, she seems to be embarrassed a little at Yuto's sentence*

Yuto: *smiles softly and pats yoshino*

Yoshino: *smiles at the pats*

Natsumi: *lays her head on yoshino's shoulder*

Yuto: *pats natsumi and yoshino now* you two like that ?

Natsumi and yoshino: *seems happy about the pats*

Kurumi: yuto help!

Yuto: they love you too kurumi

Kurumi: the lesbians are taking over *suffering kurumi noises while getting teases in public*

Yuto: *laughing softly*

Queen and miku: *teasing kurumi's body*

Kurumi: *trying not to let any attention bringing noises out*

*They decide to take yoshino with them to there also known as miku's home, the set up the couch for a movie night, they watch movies all night and sleept through the next day all but miku are asleep as she just woke up*

Miku: *lays her head on Yuto's lap and waits for him to wake up*

*A little later the girls wake up and miku, queen and natsumi decided to tease Yuto's body as he is asleep*

Kurumi and yoshino: *talking in the kitchen*

Kurumi: tell me, are you okay yoshino ?

Yoshinon: yes she is fine but how come you out of people worry about her well being

Kurumi: *pats the bunny puppet and smiles softly and gently at yoshino and yoshinon* if she wants to stay with us i would see her as a friend and i would worry then about her

Yoshinon: i see

Kurumi: do you would like to live with us ?

Yoshino: *takes a moment and awnsers in a soft yet shy voice* ye-yes

Kurumi: *places yoshino on her lap, places her head on yoshino's shoulder and cuddles her*

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