Part 16: The Change

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*a few days have passed, yuto, kurumi, queen, miku, natsumi and yoshino sit in miku's livingroom, yuto seems to be more quiet than before his thoughts are deep and wild, the women look slightly worried as he grows more absent from the others*

Kurumi: yuto are you ok ?

Yuto: *looks up and snaps back* yes i am fine but i was just in thoughts

Kurumi: what thoughts ?

Yuto: couldn't we just go to war against shido and kotori

Kurumi: i mean i am

Queen: i suppose it would be possible but first we need to have plans

Yuto: yes

*Later that day, the moon is rising and the stars appear in the night, yuto and kurumi find themselves standing in the garden, looking up to the star sea*

Kurumi: yuto

Yuto: yes sister heart ?

Kurumi: there is something i have to tell you

Yuto: go on

Kurumi: when o fighted queen before you brought her back in the form of a copy, she was diffrent

Yuto: how was she ?

Kurumi: *starts to describe how she seemed to be able to switch personalities and the idea of her having split personalities*

Yuto: do you think you can show me ?

Kurumi: i mean i can use zafkiel to show you

Yuto: thank you

*Kurumi shows yuto her memories about all encounters with the queen from her past after they are done kurumi looks sad at yuto*

Yuto: i see, i am not sure what i should do now

Kurumi: i am not sure either but should we show her ? Or not?

Yuto: i am not sure either but i guess maybe

Kurumi: *sighs* okay... Well then lets go tell her

*They walk inside and tell queen and also show her*

Queen: i-i need time alone *she stands up and walks into her light realm wich is just a white colored room between space and time like the one of the original queen*

Kurumi: i think these was too much

Yuto: agree

*Queen lays down hugging her knees places her hands on her head and tries to comprehend the informations she just got, hours later she has fallen asleep, in her sleep she sees her original self, she watches her closely as she steps closer to the new queen or more the broken copy of herself*

Sawa: tell me how does it feel to be around her ?

Queen: wh-what do you mean, what do you want ?

Sawa: oh nothing all i want is just being alive again

Queen: and how do you plan it ?

Sawa: oh easy i just found the perfect host for it

Queen: what makes you think i will allow these

Sawa: i am the original you to me you are just a clone, a clone i never made wich in the end doesn't matter

Queen: what will you do once you are back ?

Sawa: finally get my revenge on kurumi Ofcourse

Queen: what makes you think i will allow it ?

Sawa: *chuckles softly* i dont think you would let me yet i can just take over

Queen: i dont think so

Sawa: you cant stop me

Queen i can we are the same person after all

Sawa: *uses bullet one on herself and dashes torwards queen, grabs her by the neck*

Queen: *wakes up as the original queen grabbed her by the neck, breathing gets heavy and fast, she manages to open a was to go back to yuto and kurumi and once she is by them she hugs them tightly, not seeming to let go*

Yuto and kurumi: are you ok sawa?

Queen: n-no im not...

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