Part 17: Return

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*weeks passed and queen keep on seeing sawa the old queen in her dreams but now she started to see her outside of the dreams too, watching her queen slowly grows a fear and a hatred torwards sawa, one day kurumi notices queen's fear, she was shaking the only thing kurumi saw*

Kurumi: *hugging queen* are you feeling alright darling ? You seem to fear something

Queen: i-im fine thank you for asking though

Kurumi: are you sure you are alright ?

Queen: ye-yes i am fine

Kurumi: if you say so

*Conversations like these happens the next 3 days, queen grows more fearful, she doesn't even want to be alone, clinging onto miku, kurumi or yuto*

Yuto: are you ok ?

Queen: ye-yes

Yuto: you dont have to lie to me to us

Queen: you wouldn't believe me

Yuto: we are literally in a world with souls that wont rest

Queen: fair well...remember when i run out if my domain?

Yuto: i do why ?

Queen: i had a dream with my old she is stalking me...

Yuto: i see...

Queen: i dont know what to do...

Yuto: im not sure either

Queen: yuto...she is watching me again...

Yuto: i mean i expected as much

Queen: i-i see

Yuto: maybe you should fuse with her

Queen: im not sure I understand

Yuto: well basically letting you fuse with her into one person

Queen: but why

Yuto: you would loose fear of her as you are a part of her

Queen: i see

Yuto: it is just a thought though

Queen: i see

Yuto: what you do is up to you but what ever you choose to do i will be there for you to help you

Queen: thank you yuto

Yuto: no problem

Queen: *sighs softly then looks away*

Yuto: take the time you need*

*A week later queen goes into her domain, she stands now infront of sawa in the form of the old queen*

Sawa: so you have chosen to come here what will you do against me

Queen: easy i will fuse with you

Sawa: what do you mean by fuse

Queen: we become one but not as you wish

Sawa: and you think i will allow these ?

Queen: no but we dont have a choice anymore

Sawa: i suppose your right

Queen: well then lets do it

*They shoot each other and there bullets force them to fuse together, they walk out of queens real, she looks like normal queen but with cat ears and cat tail like thee copy yuto made, she stands infront of the others*

Yuto: queen ? Are you ok ?

Queen: yes i am

Kurumi: so you two did fuse together?

Sawa: yes we did

Yuto: *hugs sawa/queen*

Queen: *hugs back*

Sawa: why do you hug me ?

Yuto: simple i missed you the real sawa yamauchi

Sawa: i dont deserve these

Yuto: yes you do

Sawa: thank you...

Yuto: your welcome

Sawa: *smiles softly*

Yuto: i will keep you save

Sawa: thank you

Yuto: "i owe her to keep her save"

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