Just A Background Character

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OJIRO POV:(Chapter 3)
(weren't expecting that, I know that for sure)
Mentions of attempted suicide

I am sitting on my phone comfortably on the edge of my plain patterned bed when I suddenly hear consistent shouting outside my dorm room and what sounds of sort of screaming from some people aswell, from the high volume I could only plainly assume it was the girls.

The screaming suddenly brought me to my senses again as I start to get worried about the sudden occurrence and spring to my feet hurriedly, sprinting to my door and flying it open, letting it bounce on the side of the wall and running outside to see the commotion.

My eyes flicker over towards Midoriya's dorm room, which everyone is crowded around, my entire body froze as the most blood curdling scream filled the air from a recognisable voice, that one voice could only belong to the classes favourite dancer, Mina Ashido, a girl with light pink skin and yellow eyes.

I bolted over to everybody in an instant who was crowded around midoriyas' dorm and looked inside the room as Bakugou ran in, and when I say fast I mean it was like he teleported infront of us, fog clouded everyone's vision from what looked like Midoriya's exploded door..?

Debris was scattered everywhere from the door and wall half exploded, my eyes shot open as blood was on the floor covering almost everything, my eyes got strained as I looked up again.

Suddenly Mina was thrown from the cloud of fog, giving me a better view of inside midoriyas' room, "PLEASE BRING AN AMBULANCE! M-MY F-FR.. IEND I-IS B.. BL. EE-EDING O-OUT H.. HE-C-COMM.. ITED!" I froze in place as I heard Uraraka's voice stuttering,I take a moment to process what she said as my eyes widen again, I turned to see her on her phone , her face was filled with her own tears as her eyes were red and puffy from all the crying she seemed to have done, her voice was shaky as she cried out,mg heart clenched to see fellow classmates like this.

I turned back to see Mina thrashing around in Kirishima's arms trying to get free of his grasp, she looks on the edge to having a mental breakdown besides her already yelling and sobbing over Uraraka's also screaming voice trying to surreal to the operator.

Then I hear Uraraka start to talk again I listen intently to what is being said as I stand still with my head down.

"M-M.. Y n-nam..e.. I-is.. Och..Ako u-ura..rak-ka, I g-go t.. To UA.." My heart clenched again, I don't like seeing anyone upset, especially my own classmates, but in a moment I then realise I didn't actually know how bad midoriya's situation actually was, my head lifts slowly as I feel my eyes soften in determination.

My head turned towards the door, walking slowly and cautiously towards the door, peeking inside the debris and fog as it slowly clears.
I stumble back from the sight, my eyes once again widening of him laying in the ground, covered in blood with scars along his wrists and legs with bakugou cradling him, he seem to have been moved, my voice hitched as I covered my face as I felt my voice straining, I sobbed stumbling on chunks of brick and wood.
Aizawa suddenly comes rushing in, he pushes past me and the others and then the next second he's rushing out and outside, I hear sirens going off in the distance as I walk to the dorms living room and sit down in a ball, letting out another scream in agony, nobody ever had really seen me just emotion so I think they were beyond shocked to see me crying in a corner being stupid.

The next second everybody is piling in either crying, paralysed or clueless, I on the other hand was still in that same damn corner, it seems like hours since the incident happened, the only people that haven't been talking is jirou and shoji, I assume they had heard in advance, I felt so guilty not being able to do more in the situation and now I'm just sitting around, glued to the floor.

Then a loud but angry sounding scream fills the air along with determined words,assumably aimed towards us.


Everybody goes silent with eyes wide at hearing mina scream at them but then they all start agreeing with her whilst I sit in the corner wondering if he really is going to be alright, I go to walk back to my room as I hear a shout from minas,I walk towards the door and knock on it gently.

I say out loud, concern lingering my voice, "Are you ok...?" I finally get out, some rustling is heard from inside when the door flings open to reveal Mina with messier hair than usual, almost like... Midoriyas..., eyebags, puffy and red eyes from what I assumed is crying over what has happened today as her clothing is a wreck.
"Come in." Is the only response I heard before I was grabbed by my collar roughly and dragged inside of her leopard print destroyed dorm room, the door slamming behind us loudly.

Silence became the only sound as it filled the room, I sat down opposite Mina on a laced punk beanbag, "You saw him too, didn't you..?" I heard a quiet voice say, breaking the silence, my heart clenches at the sad tone. "Yes." Is all I said before it went deadly silent again in her room.
993 words
I'm too lazy to write more, sorry
Have a great
This was quite hard to
write in Ojiros POV
but I made it work :)

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