Chapter 2 - Punk Percy Makes His First Appearance

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~Annabeth's POV~

*The next day*

I paced back and forth, waiting for Percy to come. I was stopped by Jason, who tried to calm me down.

"Annabeth, it's okay. Percy's fine. He probably just over slept or something." He said.

"You're probably right." I said, sighing in defeat.

Now, you're most likely wondering why I'm not just going into his cabin to check on him, like I did yesterday. The reason for that is, I feel horrible for treating him badly yesterday. We all do. He's probably mad at me, more than the others, and I don't want to provoke him even more by going in there. The others probably felt the same way I do about themselves, which is why no one went to check on him.

"Guys, should we just go check on him?" Hazel asked. "I mean, if we apologize, he shouldn't be that mad."

"Yeah, okay, let's-" Piper stopped mid-sentence and gasped. "Oh my gods, look!" She exclaimed, pointing at something.

I looked at what she was pointing at and gasped too. It wasn't a something or a what, it was a who. And that who was someone who looked like Percy.

Except this guy's black hair was styled into a Mohawk, his ears were pierced, and he wore an orange Camp Half-Blood shirt (except the sleeves were ripped off, showcasing a trident tattoo on his right bicep), tattered black jeans and fingerless gloves. And he was taller.

The 'punk' version of Percy grinned as he saw us. "Ey, there's my people!" He yelled, walking up to us.

"P-Percy?!" Hazel stuttered, once Percy was within hearing distance.

"Aw, you're intimidated by me." He said, giving Hazel a sly, but somehow, charming, smirk. "A cute girl like you shouldn't be intimidated by me."

For some reason, I wasn't mad at my boyfriend for hitting on one of my best friends, even though I should have been. I guess I thought there was no way that could have been Percy.

As Hazel looked up at his sea green eyes and blushed. She turned away and looked at us like 'Help me! '.

"Percy, what happened to you?!" Jason asked.

Percy glared down at Jason. Yes, you heard me correctly. Percy glared down at Jason. And Jason was taller than all of us!

Percy's glare turned into a fake smile. "What happened to you ? Did you shrink or...?"

"Percy, that's enough!" I heard someone yell from behind Percy. He turned around to see Chiron standing there with a stern look on his face.

Percy rolled his eyes and sighed. "Ugh, way to ruin my fun. You're about as bad as Jason."

"Percy, what do you remember from last night?" Chiron asked, ignoring Percy's comment.

"What kind of question is that ?"

"Answer it."

"Fine. I remember getting in a fight with Annabeth, sitting on my bed for, like, 5 hours, then going to my birthday party." Percy answered.

"What do you remember at the party?"

"Am I on trial here?"

"Answer it, Percy."

Percy's know-it-all expression changed to a blank one."Everyone was laughing at... me." He whispered quietly. I barely heard him.

"What was your wish, Percy?" Chiron asked in a softer tone.

Percy didn't answer.

Chiron looked at Piper, who nodded.

"What did you wish, Percy?" Piper asked, using her charmspeak.

Percy's blank expression shifted to a sad one. "I wished people would start taking me seriously."


"Leo, don't-" Piper interrupted.

"Why would you wish that?!" Leo asked, not listening to Piper.

Suddenly, the sad Percy turned into a furious Percy and clenched his fists. "Why the HELL WOULDN'T I WISH THAT?!" He yelled, causing the ground to shake.

"Percy, calm down!" Piper said, using her charmspeak again.

Percy laughed, making Piper flinch. "Your f*cking charmspeak doesn't work on me." He snapped.

Before any of us could say anything else, Percy stormed off into his cabin and closed the doors. Eventually, the ground stopped shaking.

"Okay, can someone tell me what just happened?" Hazel asked, looking a little dazed. "I think I passed out."

"Nope, you were standing here the whole time." Leo said, with a mischievous smirk on his face, like he knew something about Hazel that we didn't.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." Leo said, winking at Hazel, who sighed in relief.

"So, the reason he's like that, is because of a wish he made yesterday?" Frank asked, looking a little angry.

'He's probably angry at Percy for hitting on Hazel.' I thought.

"I'm afraid so." Chiron said.

"How to we reverse it?" I asked.

"That, my dear, is a good question, that I think I know the answer to."


Bad Boy // Punk Percy Jackson FicWhere stories live. Discover now