Chapter 20 - Punk Apocalypse!

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(A/N: I'M ALIVE! And yes, it's been 1-2 months since I've updated this. I know. Yell at me all you want, I deserve it!
Oh, and please excuse Jason. He, uh, well... Just excuse him. You'll find out why. :P)

~Piper's POV~

When I walked into the pavilion, I was taken by surprise. I didn't expect my boyfriend to be wearing a black sleeveless shirt with the words 'Arctic Monkeys'  in white along with some tattered, worn out jeans and a lip piercing. I didn't expect my best friend to be wearing a plain black shirt, jeans that looked somewhat similar to Jason's, an ear piercing, and sleeve tattoos. The only thing normal about it was probably the fact that they were having a conversation.

Being an "overly caring" girlfriend, my first thought was, 'Oh gods, where are Jason's glasses? Can he see?!' Being a daughter of Aphrodite, my second (embarrassing) thought was, 'Wow, he looks... hot dressed like that.' And returning back to reality, my third thought was, 'Stop gawking at your boyfriend, Piper! Go see what they're talking about!'

Complying with the third thought, I calmly walked to Cabin 9's table. As I neared, I could hear Leo praising something called "Two Door Cinema Club". Along with that, he was rambling on about something else called "Tourist History". Shockingly, Jason wore an unamused expression as he listened. Actually, I don't think he was listening...

When I was about 20 feet from the table, Jason's gaze snapped over to me, and my heart skipped a beat. As we made eye contact, I noticed his electric blue eyes held an unusual rebellious glint. My blonde Superman (Yes, I said my) smirked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Upon seeing my eyes widen, he mouthed something to me. What he mouthed caused me to flush, nearly paralyzing me with embarrassment. (And if you want to know what he mouthed, you'll have to guess, because I am not repeating that.)

"TDCC is the shit, just saying." Leo managed to grab Jason's attention back. I would never have thought I would say this, but I was glad he stopped staring at me.

Suddenly, Jason scoffed. "Dude, you really think I give a fuck?" He asked with a hint of a grin on his face. "And besides, My Chemical Romance is better." He began to walk away from Leo, but the Fire User attempted to stop him, but not necessarily in a good way.

"Woah, Jason. I didn't know you liked emo bands." The Latino's tone held innocence, but his smile, as well as his eyes, screamed, 'Did I succeed in pissing you off?'

Jason ignored him, proceeding to stroll over to me. The predatory look in his eyes unsettled me (and that is an understatement!). I could tell this conversation between us wasn't going to go well.

I was suddenly aware that he had gotten so close, our noses were touching. "So, Pipes," He purred my nickname in a smooth, low tone. He leaned towards my left ear, he asked, "Would you like to come to my cabin? It'll be fun~"

'Holy Hera,' I thought, feeling more nervous than confused. 'What is he doing?'

I didn't know what to say, so I did what was the next best choice.

At first, I started slowly backing away from my "foul" minded boyfriend. Then, when his lips tugged upwards in a smirk and his head tilted to the side in mock confusion, I broke into a sprint. At that moment, I was half terrified of Jason and half concerned for him. What happened that caused him to act like... that? It had to be somehow tied with the way he was dressed.

In my efforts of fleeing, I accidentally bumped into someone's chest.

"Oh, sorry!" I immediately apologized. I didn't recognize the tall, muscular teenager yet. "I wasn't paying atten-"

'Holy Hephaestus.'

The guy had messy blonde hair with black streaks and wore a dark sleeveless shirt that read, 'Congrats on reading my shirt...' and a pair of fingerless gloves. I would've never known who he was if it weren't for his sky blue eyes.


Said demigod flicked an unruly piece of golden hair out of his eyes. "Yeah?"

"What," I gestured to his strange attire, "are you wearing?"

Will raised an eyebrow. "What, this? It's a shirt." He said, grabbing the fabric of his shirt as if it was some mystical object. "You're wearing one, by the way." He added sarcastically.

"No-no, why are you dressed like that? Like Percy when he went all 'punk'?"

The son of Apollo glanced at me as if I was an alien. "Uh, I wear this all the time." He explained, suddenly looking very concerned. "Are you okay, Piper?"

By that time, I knew something was wrong. First, I see Jason and Leo wearing 'punk' clothes, not to mention their odd behavior. Next, I see Will Solace, dressed in the same style, also acting unusual.

And then all the pieces of the puzzle clicked together.

The Punk Apocalypse had begun.


(A/N: AH! RUN FOR THE HILLS! THE APUNKALYPSE HAS BEGUN! And I am SO SORRY for the long wait. I have some good news! I'm officially (well, not officially, because nothing about this fanfiction is official xD) going to make this story my main priority! Once I update Bad Boy, I'll start working on my other fanfics.

Speaking of other fanfics, I don't know if I should continue A Poisoned Soul. I haven't updated it in 7 months, and I kind of lost all my inspiration... Let me know in the comments if you still want me to continue it. If you have any ideas of what should happen, that would help a lot too, because I have no idea what to do next. xD)

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