Chapter 12 - Mental Fights

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(A/N: OMG! 2K! I didn't really think this story would be my most popular one out of 5 stories! But anyways, thank you so much for reading and commenting and voting on this weird story! It means alot. :))

~3rd Person POV~

"SURPRISE!" All the campers yelled.

And surprised he was.

Percy didn't really think they would do anything special for his birthday. I mean, it's just a birthday! We have lots of those!

But the other part of him- Oh, gods! The other part was furious! Beyond furious! It thought- no, knew they threw the party just to get Percy back. Just to get him back on their side. Just to say they're sorry.

That part was protesting in Percy's brain, trying to tell him this party was wrong. The first part was trying to get the other to go away, so Percy could shrug him off and have a good time.

Basically, the good part of Percy and the bad part of Percy were fighting inside his head.

And that was the cause of Percy's reactions.

At first, when they yelled 'SURPRISE!', Percy smiled. Then he frowned and glared. And then he smiled again, but it was an uncertain smile, as if he knew they threw the party with good intentions, but he didn't really like it.

Of course, everyone saw his expressions.

"Percy, you okay?" Connor Stoll asked.

Instead of nodding like Percy had intended to do, he sent the son of Hermes a glare and raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?"

"You don't like it...?" Hazel asked hesitantly.

The real Percy took control again. "No, I do! It's just-" He cut himself off. The other part of Percy was trying again. Percy had to bite down on his tongue, hard, to make sure he said nothing rude.

"Just what?" Frank asked.

Punk Percy was about to take control, but Percy acted fast. "IlikethepartybutIhavetogo." He said quickly, rushing back to his cabin before he or anyone else had a chance to say something.

Everyone stood in shock, but they soon got over it.

"Gods. I hope what I think is happening isn't happening." Annabeth said.

"Me too." Piper agreed.

If only they knew how right they were.


Percy flung himself on his bed, trying to figure out the 2 questions running through his mind:

'How is he coming back and why?'


(A/N: Very short chapter, I know! This was pretty much just a filler chapter. Hopefully next chapter will be more eventful and longer!)

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