Chapter 3 - Plan

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~3rd Person POV~

"I believe the person behind this whole thing is... well, your mother, Piper." Chiron said.

"Aphrodite? Why would she do this to Percy?" Hazel asked.

'Not that I'm complaining.' She thought.

"She always wanted to make my love-life interesting." Annabeth said. "And now she has."

"What happened to Percy when you guys were asking him about yesterday?" Jason asked, motioning to Piper and Chiron. "For a second, he seemed like his normal self."

"I don't know the full answer to that one. We most likely broke whatever spell or trance he was in, but just temporarily." Chiron explained.

"How do we get him back to his normal self?" Frank asked.

'I hoped he wasn't going to say that.' Hazel thought.

"I'm afraid you have to talk to the goddess yourself. She's the only one who can reverse it." Chiron said.

"How are we going to contact her? Iris Message?" Leo asked.

"I could pray to her...?" Piper suggested, but it sounded more like a question. Everyone nodded in agreement.

Piper sighed. 'Mom, um, we need to talk to you. It's about Percy. I would appreciate if you could come. Thanks. Bye.'


"Alright, so that failed. No offense, Beauty Queen." Leo said.

"None taken." Piper shrugged.

"If we go to a salon, do you think we'd find her there? And this isn't a joke." Leo suggested.

"Most likely. But the closet salon is in the city, downtown." Chiron said.

"We'll just take a taxi." Annabeth said.

"How are we going to fit 6 people in the backseat of a taxi?!" Leo asked. "Jeez, how big are taxis were you come from?"

"I meant we could take separate taxis. 3 in each." Annabeth explained.

"Are we taking Percy?" Hazel asked, trying not to sound eager.

"I guess so, incase Aphrodite does reverse the spell." Annabeth said.

Everyone nodded, understanding the plan.

"Alright, let's get ready." Jason said.

"I'll get Percy." Hazel said, almost immediately.

"Wait, now?!" Leo asked.

"Yeah, did you think I meant tomorrow?" Jason asked, as everyone walked back to their cabin's to get their backpacks.

"No, I thought you meant 15 years in the future." Leo said sarcastically. "Of course I thought you meant tomorrow!"

Jason grinned and walked away. Leo did the same.


~Hazel's POV~

I'm going to be honest, here.

I think I'm crushing on the 'new' Percy.

I've always had a thing for bad boys. Take Sammy for instance. He always did bad, but funny things. That's one of the reasons why I liked him. The same thing goes for Leo, except I don't like him like that.

You're probably wondering why I'm dating Frank if I have a thing for bad boys. Well, I also have a thing for shy, sweet, gentle, and caring guys.

I have alot of things for guys, okay?

I was about to knock on the doors of Cabin 3, when I heard loud music coming from the inside. The male vocalist sang something like:

"And with the black banners raised

As the crooked smiles fade.

Former heroes who quit too late.

Who just wanna fill up the trophy case again...

And in the end

I'd do it all again.

I think you're my best friend.

Don't you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren't alright?"

I listened closely and heard Percy's voice singing along. "I'll be yours..."

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I knocked on the door.

A few seconds later, the music stopped abruptly. I heard footsteps and the door swung open, revealing an angry Percy.

"You were listening the whole freaking time, weren't you?" He asked.

"I'm s-sorry." I stuttered, looking up into his sea green eyes. The anger in them faded away and were replaced by kindness.

"No, no. That's fine. I was just asking." He insisted. "What did you come to tell me?"

"Oh, um... I wanted to ask if you wanted to go with us to see Aphrodite." I said.

The kindness vanished. "Why?"

My throat felt dry. "No reason."

"Fine, I'll go. As long as you're there." He gave me a cute smile that made me blush.

"Wait." I said, stopping him from holding my hand. "You do realize you have a girlfriend, right?"

"Yes, it's Annabeth. And?"

"You're just going to cheat on her for me?!"

"Yes...? That's a bad thing?"

Suddenly, I didn't like this Percy anymore. He was a jerk.

I rolled my eyes. "Let's just go." I said, walking off.


(A/N: The first song in this chapter is called "The Kids Aren't Alright" by Fall Out Boy. It's a really good song, so I suggest you check it out!)

Bad Boy // Punk Percy Jackson FicWhere stories live. Discover now