Chapter 16 - Leo the Stalker

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~3rd Person POV~

Leo didn't know what to do. He knew he had to tell someone about Percy, but how? How was he going to tell someone without Percy knowing?

You see, it would've been easy to tell someone if Percy didn't stalk him from the other side of the pavilion. Currently, the green eyed demigod had his arms crossed and was giving the brown eyed demigod a hard glare.

Piper, Jason, and Nico were having a conversation while Leo just stood there, awkwardly staring right back at his stalker.

"-eo? Leo? Hello?"

Leo blinked as a hand waved in his face.

"Huh, what?" Leo asked, looking at Jason.

Jason stopped waving his hand. "You keep spacing out. What's wrong?" He asked with a concerned frown on his face.

Leo glanced over at the spot Percy was supposed to be, but he wasn't there. Leo hoped he got bored and went to his cabin, because if he knew what Leo was about to say, he would murder him.

Leo knew he had to tell them before Percy came back, so he managed to get out, "PercythreatenedmeyesterdayafterIsawhimcheatingonAnnabethwithanothergirl."



Leo sighed. "Percy threatened me yesterday after I saw him cheating on Annabeth with another girl." He repeated, keeping his voice barely above a whisper. "I think he's-"

As if on cue, Percy appeared, what it seemed like to Leo, out of no where and walked up to the group of demigods. "Hi, guys." He greeted, interrupting Leo. "Why are you here so-"

Jason believed his best friend and knew Percy's friendliness was fake. So, he just skipped right to the million dollar question. "Why did you threaten Leo yesterday?"

Percy scrunched his eyebrows together, and cocked his head in confusion. "What?"

"I asked, why did you threaten Leo?" Jason repeated, now glaring at the son of Poseidon.

Percy's eyes became unfocused as he tried to remember that event. Nothing came to his mind.

He shook his head slowly. "I didn't threaten Leo..." He answered. "I don't- I don't remember, anyway."

Piper studied his face and tone, discovering he actually was telling the truth. "He's not lying." She announced, causing Leo to give Percy a look of suspicion.

"So, you don't remember threatening me?" Leo asked. Percy shook his head. "Do you remember anything from yesterday night?"

Percy's eyes became unfocused again, but then refocused. "Yeah, but the last thing I remember was Jason guessing Frank's charade. I have no idea what happened after that..." His eyes widened. "Did I- Oh gods, please tell me I didn't get drunk!"

Despite the situation, the other demigods cracked a smile. "No, Percy, you did not get drunk." Nico answered, trying not to laugh. "Besides, you have to wait three more years."

Percy visibly relaxed and sighed. "Okay, good."

"Percy!" A female voice called.

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