Chapter 19 - Disease?

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~3rd Person POV~

Percy- Punk Percy- knew what was wrong with Leo. And he felt horrible.


It was all his fault. Leo was his... friend. And he caused him to go all 'punk'.


Percy- real Percy- made another wish when the seven had taken taxies to the salon and the Empire State Building. That wish was for people to understand what it was like to have an alternate personality stuck inside you, controlling your actions 99.9% of the time.
Punk Percy tried everything he could to make that wish come true. Eventually, he was forced to stop trying, because the spell temporarily broke, erasing him from Percy's brain. When he suddenly came back on Percy's birthday, he was confused. What brought him back?

The wish brought him back. Right before the spell broke, Punk Percy caused the wish come true. When the spell did break, Percy isolated himself from people. If he hadn't isolated himself, the whole Camp would've turned into a chaotic mess.


Think of the wish as an infectious disease. Percy was the one who made that wish, so he carries the 'disease'. If he frequently exposed himself to other people, they would've caught the disease too, turning into punk versions of themselves.

Punk Percy was good at causing arguments and fights. Just imagine the whole Camp like that. Chaos.

So, in a way, it was essential for everyone to bully Percy. It delayed the wish. (Not saying it was good in general! It was horrible!)

When Percy and the seven played games on his birthday, that exposed them to the wish/disease. (A/N: I'm just going to call it "the disease") All of them could have punk versions of themselves growing inside them.

Leo, obviously, caught the disease. What stumped Punk Percy was why did the son of Hephaestus's Punk self grow faster than the others? Was it because they formed a sort-of... friendship?

Most likely, that was the case. But he seemed perfectly normal when they spoke before lunch. No unusual attitude, no cussing, no "interesting" fashion choices...

Maybe it takes a day or so for someone's Punk self to come out? After all, Punk Percy made his first appearance a day after Percy's 17th birthday... And "Punk" Leo made his first appearance a day after Percy's party.

Still, it doesn't make much sense.

But Punk Percy knew how to fix it. Or, at least, he thought he knew how to fix it. And if he wanted to fix it, he had to hurry. Fast.

That's why he's sprinting to Cabin 20, or Hecate's Cabin. Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned, meaning various campers kept trying to halt him and interrogate him. For example...

"Hey, Percy! Where are you going?!"

"Yeah, man! Come back!"

Punk Percy internally groaned. "Nowhere. Go away, Stolls." He answered with an emotionless tone that sounded so convincing. (That was sarcasm, by the way.)

"Oooh, someone's in a bad mood!" Travis teased mockingly. Punk Percy could almost hear a smile forming on his face.

Punk Percy began to run faster in an effort to get rid of the two sons of Hermes. Unfortunately, that just made them run even faster.

"Leave me alone, you idiots! Do you want to end up like Leo?" The son of Poseidon screeched, causing the brothers to slow down.



Punk Percy mentally facepalmed. They haven't been in the pavilion, obviously. "I'm not going to explain it to you, so you're better off if you head to the pavilion and see for yourself." He responded stubbornly.

"Uh, alright." Travis answered for his brother. The taller brother began walking away, dragging the shorter brother off as well.

'Thank gods, I thought I would have to-'

"-the HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" A male voice shouted, obviously enraged.

Punk Percy expected to hear Leo's voice yell that, but it was not the son of Hephaestus. In fact, it was the Fire-user's best friend.

"Gods dammit, Jason!" Punk Percy cursed, shaking his head. "'Should've known that dumbass was going to change sooner or later." He muttered.

The sea-green eyed demigod knew he should have gone back into the pavilion to help calm Jason and Leo, but he continued to run to the Hecate Cabin. Besides, if he found what he was looking for in Cabin 20, the problem- er, problems- would be solved.

Punk Percy just hoped Annabeth or Piper didn't catch the disease, or as he would say, "Shits going to go down."

Yes, Punk Percy. Crap would go down, indeed.


(A/N: Question: Okay, so do you want me to put stars in cuss words like I usually do, or just leave them normal like I did in this chapter?)

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