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Jungkook moved making jin space out he quickly sat on the bed waiting for jungkook to wake up. After two minutes jungkook opened his eyes. And tried to sit that jin helped him.

Jungkook got so worried looking at seokjin blood shot eyes and it felt someone hit him on eyes how they were so swollen. His heart ached so he took his hand to seokjin face caressing his eyes.

Seokjin leaned into his touch. the babies were not his. But he loved them dearly. He felt and considerd them his own and he is feeling pained devasted.

"seokjin what happened?. "

Seokjin held his hand holding him tight. Jungkook sighed closing his eyes still feeling dizzy because of the sedatives given to him.

"love you know i love you. You trust me right? "

"what happened you are scaring me. "

"love... When i reached apartment... I saw you washed in your own blood. I got so much scared. I didn't even know from where you are bleeding. I called ambulance. They got you in. I didn't know what to do. I was so scared.. I feel so guilty. I am so sorry"

"seokjin.. Don't scare me. Please tell me our babies are okay? "

jungkook eyes shaked. If everything is okay why seokjin is crying and saying sorry so much? Jungkook mind was hazzy with many thoughts.
The word 'our' made jin broke. He Started sobbing. Jungkook never saw seokjin in this state. He didn't know what was happening.

"seokjin please tell me. "

"when... When doctors got you in.. They asked me what they want me to choose... Babies or you. As you already bled so much. "

Jungkook pulled his hand out of seokjin hold.

"don't tell me you selected me? You let them kill my babies for saving me?? "

Jungkook tears fell. Jin shocked his head and held Jungkook hand whose face was showing only one thing. pain.

"baby no no. I couldn't decide that time. I told them i want you and our babies both. Please believe me. I begged them. But"

Jungkook closed his eyes not wanting to hear what's after the but part

"but what? "

"they told me. Then can't get three pulses. Two pulses were not there.... Only one... Our two baby girls were already gone before they took you to ICU. "

Jungkook froze at that only tears fell continually while he stared at jin in shock. Eyes full of pain.

".. They said. They were not being able to save you. But our baby was so strong. He held himself. And his pulse were still stable.. That's a miracle baby"

Seokjin cupped his face when jungkook breathed out placing his hand on his flat stomach that had a big bandge.


jungkook called out. Seokjin know what jungkook wants to say. He hugged him tight.

"baby i am so sorry. I am so sorry. "

"i.. My babies. My babies. He did what he said. Aghhh"

Finally jungkook broke and started sobbing. Jin held him tightly comforting him but nothing can comfort the two.


"love.... We need to proceed the departure"

jungkook nodded crying while seokjin held him in his arms.

"i requested them not to take them out... And let you see them once.. "

Hearing that jungkook looked up shocking his head.

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