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Seokjin came out from washroom after hearing taehyung crying. He huried and took him into his arms.

"shh shh baby what happened? "

seokjin looked around and found no one.

"where is your mommy? "

Of course taehyung couldn't tell him anything.
Seokjin carried him out while rocking him. He walked to kitchen making taehyung's feeder. He held him on his shoulders in worry.

He rushed out and opened the door. The guard at door turned to him in worry.

"sir what happened? "

"where is jungkook? "

"sir he went out.. "

"what where? How? "

"sir. He went with soobin. Saying he wants to meet someone. "

Seokjin turned in worry while holding taehyung close to him.

"shh shh baby. Papa is here. "

Seokjin quickly called jungkook who didn't accept at first try. But after some tires he sighed in relief.

"love where are you? How you went without telling me? . "

"love.. "

Seokjin stopped and his eyes teared.

"remember i love you.. We can't tell him or let him know about you and tae. I am coming back. You don't worry"

Seokjin shocked his head but the moment he tried to speak jungkook disconnected the call.
Seoljin tried again and again but the he found the cellphone is switched off now.

He fell down the guard who saw held seoljin who started crying while holding taehyung to himself.

"tae.. Mommy went to him.. Tae. Mommy. Your mommy"

The guard quickly sent namjoon an emergency text and patted seokjin.

"sir don't worry. He is very qualified. He would be fine. "


"what happened? " 

namjoon asked the guard but when he saw seokjin in the middle of living room he rushed to him.

Sitting in front of him he called him out. Seokjin looked up and namjoon felt so bad for him.

"j-jungkook.. "

"what? What jungkook? "

namjoon asked lookong around and found no sign of jungkook.

"he went to meet him he went to. Meet him"

Seokjin hugged taehyung and started kissing his face talking to him in stress.

Namjoon quickly called his brother who said that the other guard have already called for backup and guarding jungkook.

"Hyung.. I got to know jungkook went to meet him. "

"i know. Soobin already told me. I have sent the team already. If yoongi will try to do something. We will arrest him"

"seokjin isn't good. Get jungkook back soon"

"sure. But it may take time. Yoongi asked to meet him? There must be a hidden intention. He might have spies to get jungkook location. We will try different routes. Don't worry"

Namjoon sighed in relief after the call. He took sleeping taehyung away from seokjin taking to their room.. He placed taehyung back while sending jimin a message for help who replied quickly.

Namjoon walked back to seokjin and sat with him comforting him..

"i am scared. I am scared "

Seokjin spoke out after minutes and held his head in his head. Namjoon stroked his shoulder and while doing so he saw a hickey on seokjin neck making him gulp and look away.

"he would be fine. He will be here soon. I talked to my brother he would be fine. "

"i can't believe anyone. Until i see jungkook. My heart is aching. I can't be in peace until his husband is threatening and trying to harm us. "

Seokjin was pulled into namjoon arms. Namjoon kept patting his back. In the meanwhile jimin entered the room abd froze.

Namjoon quickly nodded to the room and jimin somehow understood and walked to taehyung who was crying to be fed.

"you ate breakfast? "

seokjin shocked his head and leaned his back on headrest of sofa silently.

"I'll make you something. This isn't good. "

"got me my jungkook. That's only good for me. "

Namjoon sighed and walked to kitchen where he found jimin making himself coffee.

"what happened? "

"apparently. Jungkook's husband got to know about the case filed against him. He threatened to meet jungkook. "

"what? "

namjoon shushed him looking back.

"yes. And Jungkook didn't want him to know about seokjin and taehyung. He went to meet him without telling seokjin"

Jimin looked around in worry and gulped.

"he is so dangerous. Jungkook should have discussed with you or someone before deciding. "

Namjoon nodded walking to fridge and thought to make something for seokjin

"what you doing? Tell me"

"making breakfast for seokjin. He haven't eaten anything "

Jimin held his hand stopping him to do anything.

"go to seokjin. He need some mental support.. I'll make it. "

Namjoon looked at jimin hand. Giving a small smile he walked out from kitchen.


Jungkook was in front of the cafe. He looked at Soobin who was scanning the area.

"sir. I am going to Be around you. My team is already inside. You shouldn't act like you know me or anything. Just act like you are here alone. And this. "

Soobin made jungkook wear a bracelet and a necklace

"huh? "

"this is to record his voice. hide it inside your clothing and location detector "

Jungkook nodded and came out from the car that looked like a taxi. Soobin started the car stopping it a little far from the cafe jungkook went in.

Jungkook closed his eyes taking deep breathe. He finally walked inside sitting in the front row showing his back to cafe window.

While looking around. He ordered himself a glass of water gulping it down. He sighed closing his eyes remembering how his life got so changed drastically.

He was so happy, so youthful until he had to marry yoongi. Who was so loving at the start until he faced loss in his business.

That was the start that showed his real face to jungkook. Everyday went painful. First dislikes, to anger that turned into torture to doubt and then painful forcing him to do stuff that made jungkook feel low and disgusting to see his face in mirror.

"hellooo my husband "

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