unexpected comfort (w.a.)

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It was another sleepless night. Ever since exams have started, you've been non stop studying and cramming information into your brain. It's been negatively affecting you in more ways you could count, your sleep being the main one. It was a rare night where you didn't have much studying to do, yet you couldn't fall asleep. You tossed and turned uncomfortably well into the hours of midnight. You tried reading a book, listening to music and podcasts, but nothing worked. You thought of one solution that would one hundred percent work, but you knew it was near impossible.

In a perfect world, your girlfriend, Wednesday, was as affectionate as you. But the sad reality was, she was much of the opposite. You tried not to let it affect you, and you respected her boundaries. You knew if you tried, she would snap at you. Sometimes, though, the urge to just touch her; hold her hand; anything, was too strong.

With an angry sigh, you decided enough was enough. Worst case scenario, she would say no and say something about how weak you were being. You got up from bed and quietly crept to her dorm. Enid was out with Ajax, so you had no worry of waking her up. You knocked softly on her door. No response. You knocked again. Nothing. You sighed heavily and decided to walk back, before the door finally opened.

"What is so important that you must wake me up at this hour?" Wednesday asked angrily, glaring daggers at you.

You looked down guiltily.

"I'm sorry, it's just- I can't sleep."

"And that's my problem?"

"I'm sorry- I'll go."

Tears pricked at your eyes, and you tried not to cry in front of her. You looked up at her once more, before turning around and heading back to your dorm.

"Wait," you heard her say.

She reached out and took your hand, pulling you into her room. You looked down ashamedly, trying desperately to avoid eye contact with her.


"Y/N, look at me"

Her tone was unusually soft. You've heard it before, but it always shocks you no matter how many times you've heard it.

"I won't ask again Y/N," she said after you refused to meet her piercing stare.

Still, you refused. She sighed and brought her hand up to your chin, tilting your head up so she could finally take a look at you. Your eyes were filled to the brim with unshed tears and heavy, dark bags were under your eyes.

"What's wrong?" she asked in that same soft tone.

You were probably the only one who's ever heard it. She saved the soft side of her just for you. You are the only one allowed to see her raw, true emotions. Other people have gotten glimpses, sure, but never as much as you.

"I've just been having trouble sleeping, a- and I thought that m-maybe-. You know what nevermind, this was stupid," you mumbled, trying to pull away from the truth of what you so badly desired.

"Y/N, you know you can tell me anything. I won't judge you, no matter how pathetic it may be."

To anyone else, this comment might have cut deep, but you knew Wednesday meant no harm. Snarky remarks were second nature for her, and it was clear that she was trying.

"I wanted to ask if maybe- maybe I could sleep with you," you whispered quietly, still fighting hard to keep those tears in your eyes.

You looked away once more and avoided her reaction. This was much harder than you thought it would be. You waited for the insult you knew would come out of her mouth, but oddly, it never came. Instead, she grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to her. You gasped at the sudden contact and close proximity. She wordlessly got into her bed and uncovered the bed, waiting for you to join her.

You froze, surprised by her willingness to engage in intimacy.

"Well? This is what you wanted, correct?"

You quickly scrambled into bed with her, your embarrassment rapidly washing away. You weren't hoping for some cuddles—you knew she would never—you just wanted to be close to her. But, she surprised you even more when she draped an arm around your waist. Your breath hitched at the almost forbidden contact. It was so foreign, so unnatural, that when you looked back at her, eyes wide in astonishment, she immediately pulled back in embarrassment. You quickly pulled her arm back into its previous place, curled up in her arms, and buried your face in her chest. Her heartbeat was erratic and loud. She was nervous.

"Get off. Now." she said sternly.

"Shut up," you mumbled back.

Now you knew that she secretly wanted this. You wouldn't make her admit it, but you wouldn't get off of her either.

"I'm not joking, Y/N. Get. Off"


She sighed in defeat, and reluctantly, against her own will, relaxed. She would never admit to anyone that she was secretly enjoying the warmth of your body against hers, nor would she ever admit that that night, she got the best sleep she's ever experienced.

Jenna Ortega Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now